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A proposal for a crowdsourced portal acceptance system for Ingress agents.

Reading Time: < 1 minute People love to submit portals and portals add excitement to Ingress. The more portals there are the busier you are. Cities are fantastic places for ingress players for this reason. Geneva, Barcelona, Neuchatel and other cities already have hundreds if not thousands of portals but go to the swiss countryside, the spanish sea side or…

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Staring at phones in the rain once again…

Reading Time: 2 minutes Once again I was out in the rain walking around a city. Once again I was looking downwards and then up. I was also looking around and navigating through a city I have been to before but only for a meal and on my way to another place. I went there for a blogobar event…

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Threaded conversations and community

Reading Time: 2 minutes From the 1970s to 2007 we had threaded conversations through bulletin boards, forums, groups and other centralising discussion points. For a brief window of about two years conversations became so captivating that people wanted to meet in person as strong friendships were established. By 2009-2010 the threaded and personal conversations between web users was hijacked…

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A move away from centralised “social networks” and “social media”

Reading Time: < 1 minute Facebook engagement has declined since farmville distracted people away from conversations and towards mindless interactions with games, the sharing of tabloid content and emotional posts. These changes have had an adverse effect on social networks and the way in which we engage with people. I have noted a shift away from individuals towards following “celebrities”…

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Headlines and muted news sources

Reading Time: < 1 minute I have started to mute news sources that provide us with headlines that tell us how to feel rather than give us information about the content of the article. On Facebook the alternative would be to unfollow people I have met in person, friends. I prefer to mute news sources and get updates from friends….

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Google Plus Is A Good Product Which People Should Take The Time To Understand.

Reading Time: < 1 minute The American blogosphere is corrupt. Google Plus is an excellent product. It provides it’s users with an elegant amount of control as to who sees which post and whom it can be shared with. It provides groups and communities. It allows you to create your own circles. In Essence Google Plus is an extraordinarily flexible…

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The small matter of Cairo

Reading Time: < 1 minute What makes the situation in Cairo so interesting is the number of media outlets that you can use as sources. From 24 hour news channels like France 24, Al Jazeera, BBC World and others to individual people with mobile phones. For France 24 you have three languages to chose from, with Al Jazeera to you…