Category: Switzerland

  • Historic Photos and Facebook

    Historic Photos and Facebook

    Reading Time: 2 minutesOne of the reasons for which I keep using Facebook has to do with peoples’ sharing of old photos, paintings, sketches and more. I love to see photos of Nyon, Morges, Neuchatel Lausanne and other places through time. Recently I saw a photo of La Dole with a group of children skiing…

  • The Bad Habit of Daily Streaks

    The Bad Habit of Daily Streaks

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThe US has a culture of streaking. I don’t mean running around naked at events. I mean of trying to do something daily for weeks, months or even years. As great as it can be, to develop consistent habits I believe that it can have a negative impact. For months I wanted…

  • Digital Sovereignty and I

    Digital Sovereignty and I

    Reading Time: 4 minutesI want to start by saying that I hate using the word sovereignty because I think it has right wing baggage. Having said this it is the term often used by Infomaniak and others and it helps shorten the explanation. Infomaniak, like Proton, and many other European solutions provide us with the…

  • Snowshoeing in Shallow Swiss Snow

    Snowshoeing in Shallow Swiss Snow

    Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I went snowshoeing as a child I was photographed and it was used by the St Cergue Tourism board. I still have that poster in a room. Since then I went snowshoeing a few years ago and didn’t really enjoy it. The snowshoes didn’t feel comfortable. A few weeks ago I…

  • The Seasonal Desire Not to do Things

    The Seasonal Desire Not to do Things

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteTomorrow I could go for a drive and then walk on snow shoes to get to the top of a peak I have wanted to go up for a while. What slows down my desire to do this is the possible need to wear snowshoes. In theory they’re fine but ordinarily…

  • Two Hundred and Fifty Cameras to cover the Superbowl 59 (LIX)

    Two Hundred and Fifty Cameras to cover the Superbowl 59 (LIX)

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteImagine covering an event with almost two hundred and fifty cameras.. What strikes me about this article is that although hundreds of cameras will be used there is no mention of how many of these cameras will be operated by human beings rather than automated, or locked off to get a…

  • Thoughts on the Midnight Library

    Thoughts on the Midnight Library

    Reading Time: 2 minutesIn December I read The Midnight Library with ease. It is a lighter book than others and I could see parallels between Midnight Library and The Good Place. Specifically imagine a reality where you get to try reality after reality, after reality until you learn what you needed to learn, before the…

  • Wordle and Word Tips

    Wordle and Word Tips

    Reading Time: 2 minutesRecently I started playing Wordle again and I have a win streak of thirty four days. Now that I have written this down I will lose it within a day or two, for being too confident. Some people have been playing for over 1000 days and I would assume that within two…

  • test post for bluesky and

    test post for bluesky and

    Reading Time: < 1 minutetest post for bluesky and Last night I broke my connection to the fedivere.

  • test classicpress

    test classicpress

    Reading Time: < 1 minutetest classicpress