Category: team work

  • Gutenburg WordPress plugin

    Gutenburg WordPress plugin

    Reading Time: 3 minutes The Gutenburg Press Plugin provides a new way to write blog posts. Rather than write as if a blog post was a single block of text it breaks it up into segments or "presses"  A few weeks ago a Gutenburg Press was brought to the Palais wilson and we had the…

  • Improved Belaying – perfecting our technique

    Improved Belaying – perfecting our technique

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Belaying is a core climbing skill. With good belaying a climber can climb as fast as he is comfortable to climb, as if without a rope and yet have his fall cushioned at be safe at all times. The belayer needs to be active. He needs to observe and be attentive.…

  • Out of my comfort zone – A day of trying new things.

    Out of my comfort zone – A day of trying new things.

    Reading Time: 3 minutes I was out of my comfort zone for a day last week and enjoyed it. This involved trying improv theatre for the first time. Vinyasa Tango Yoga and Bollywood dancing. I tried all of these things within the framework of the Refugee Cultural Festival that took place between last week and this…

  • The Refugee Cultural Festival Kickoff Party

    The Refugee Cultural Festival Kickoff Party

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last night many of the volunteers participating in the Refugee Cultural Festival could come and meet who they will be working with for the duration of the event. Falafel, samosa, hummus, wine and beer were among the offerings available to those people. Along with this was a drive for them to…

  • Gallantry and Rock Climbing

    Gallantry and Rock Climbing

    Reading Time: 6 minutes Gallantry and Rock Climbing are a good combination. In Rock climbing the person with more experience or comfort helps the person with less comfort. In some cases it might be helping people walk on trails and in other cases it may be walking at the pace that is comfortable for others.…

  • Ingress Operation Apache, Covering Geneva in Blue.

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Operation Apache Ingress is a selfless game when you play as a team. The driver gets no AP. Other operators get a few AP for breaking portals. Three individuals gets hundreds of thousands of Mind Units (MU). Rather than feel a sense of achievement I feel fatigue. The first reason is…

  • Will Marshall: Tiny satellites that photograph the entire planet, every day

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Up to date earth imagery every day.

  • Is twitter changing your blogging habits?

    Reading Time: < 1 minute is twitter changing your blogging habits? (original post) Yes and no. Twitter is replacing instant messaging and chatrooms. It’s an open method by which for people to communicate instantly with others. It’s also about the overheard conversation although that term has dissapeared. What does “overheard” mean? Well simply that whenever…

  • The twitter colour wars and sheep mentality

    Reading Time: < 1 minute As if zombie slaying, vampire biting and sheep throwing weren’t enough the facebook lunacy has reached Twitter via Zefrank and the stupid colour wars. As if the conversation was not interesting and fulfilling enough for twitter users there is now a movement to create a colour war encouraging people to…

  • Thoughts on Teamwork

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Teamwork is a pain because it requires the collaboration of others. As Social Media people this may not sound like a challenge to you since you love having un-conferences and such but to others it’s a real challenge. Someone currently living in my home was telling me about how she would…