Category: tech related

  • The Demise of Shortened Google Links

    The Demise of Shortened Google Links

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Next year [all shortened links will be dead due to the planned obscolence of hyperlinks]( Any website, blog, or social media site that used shortened links will find that their links are worthless from that point on. ## The SMS Era on Twitter URL shorteners thrived for a while…

  • Shopping With an E-Scooter

    Shopping With an E-Scooter

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the years I have enjoyed driving to the shops with a petrol driven scooter for daily shops. I liked that it was small, light and convenient. I only got rid of it, after sixteen years of use because of the cost for a service. Usually it was about 500 but…

  • The Hypothetical Attention Pyramid Scheme

    The Hypothetical Attention Pyramid Scheme

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I loved the idea of Substack as a replacement for a few minutes, or maybe a few hours. I loved the notion of a writing community for people to share ideas, and written words. I lost passion when I saw that it was an attention pyramid scheme. ## What is the…

  • The Longevity of a Mac

    The Longevity of a Mac

    Reading Time: 3 minutes I have a 2016 Mac Book Pro that I still use daily despite it being old, and vintage by the time Autumn comes. The reasons for which I kept my mac for so long are that it’s about budget. I don’t want to spend 1600 CHF to get a mediocre computer…

  • The Pleasure of Looking for New Routes

    The Pleasure of Looking for New Routes

    Reading Time: 3 minutes For several years I explored every route that was walkable from my village. In the process I found loops that took up to four hours to complete. When there was no traffic they were all pleasant, whether it was wet, dry, hot, cold or windy. As cars and driving re-emerged plenty…

  • Exploring with Komoot and Meetup

    Exploring with Komoot and Meetup

    Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s easy to find a group, and to do the same thing, again, and again, and again. Each year you do the same things in the same order, at the same time. It becomes routine. You get used to that routine. You don’t deviate. That’s where Komoot and Meetup come in.…

  • Google News, News Sites and Paywalls

    Google News, News Sites and Paywalls

    Reading Time: 2 minutes In the mid to lake 90s and the early two thousands we could browse from news site to news site. I would visit the Guardian, the Independent, Le Temps, Tribune de Genève, New York Times and more. I would also look at the RTS, BBC News and other sites to check…

  • CloudNeo Environmental Impact

    CloudNeo Environmental Impact

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last year I tried Cloudneo shoes. I paid a monthly fee to use shoes that were made from beans that were processed into ‘environmentally friendly recyclable shoes’. In reality this is a con. According to an [RTS article]( the shoes are made from natural products, that are treated in a manner…

  • Of Glossy Mags and Social Media

    Of Glossy Mags and Social Media

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Many years ago I liked to get mags. I would look at the choice of mags every time I was in a magazine shop. I would even buy some every so often. Eventually I stopped I stopped, not because my desire to get mags was gone, but because the return on…

  • Apple and Meta Fight About Privacy And the EU Weighs In

    Apple and Meta Fight About Privacy And the EU Weighs In

    Reading Time: 4 minutes A few days ago we saw that talks between Apple and Meta had amounted to nothing. There was talk about including Meta’s AI efforts into Apple Intelligence, unti Apple said “Forget it” or somethign to that effect. I skimmed the headlines but don’t remember the details. This is significant. The reason…