Category: Rock climbing

  • Vlogging on a Via Ferrata with the Theta S

    Vlogging on a Via Ferrata with the Theta S

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Vlogging on a Via Ferrata with the Theta S by Ricoh is not only feasible but interesting. Earlier today I went to the Via Ferrata du Fort L’écluse in the French Region of Ain. This Via Ferrata goes long the nice rock face next to the climb. The purpose of this…

  • Rock Climbing in Virtual Reality

    Rock Climbing in Virtual Reality

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Rock Climbing in Virtual Reality has an interesting future because some people are afraid of heights, others don’t have the muscle tone to climb and yet more live too far away from climbing locations to enjoy the sport. Virtual reality is a great way of enabling people to get some of…

  • Spy-cam wildlife filmmaking

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Spy-cam wildlife filmmaking is an interesting discipline. It builds upon the decades of innovation that the documentary film genre has built upon. From the earliest images by the Lumière brothers of the workers at a factory to the development of film editing by Eisenstein and Dziva Vertov demonstrated by “The Man…

  • The start of the Via Ferrata Season

    The start of the Via Ferrata Season

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Via Ferrata has been one of my favourite sports for five seasons and yesterday marked the first outdoor climb of the season. It took place at the Val de Tière near Champery in Switzerland. What made this experience special was arriving at the car park near the Telepherique and seeing hundreds…

  • Sports tracker: 1004 hours tracked across multiple devices over the years.

    Sports tracker: 1004 hours tracked across multiple devices over the years.

    Reading Time: < 1 minute For years now I have been tracking my sports activities with sports tracker on a variety of mobile phones, dive computers and sports tracking watches. I have gone canyoning, hiking, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, climbing, to do via ferrata, explored caves and trained indoors. In that time I have not had…

  • Via Ferrata du Diable – Aussois

    Via Ferrata du Diable – Aussois

    Reading Time: < 1 minute The Barrière de l’Esseillon are a line of fortifications two hundred years old and capable of holding two thousand soldiers in total.The fort Victor-Emmanuel is still standing and in it’s day could hold up to one thousand five hundred troops. This fort overlooks the via Ferrata. Some drone shots of the…

  • Switzerland, Fitness centres and the mountains

    Switzerland, Fitness centres and the mountains

    Reading Time: 2 minutes For three years I was a fitness club member. I loved going to the gym up to three times a week when possible. I loved training so much that I bought apps and devices to track my progress. Any time that I could not spend three sessions a week at the…

  • Fear and Strength in Via Ferrata

    Fear and Strength in Via Ferrata

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Fear and Strength in Via Ferrata play an important role. Fear drains us of energy. In Rock climbing this is fine. If you run out of energy you abseil down and you call it a day. In Via Ferrata when you run out of energy you are stuck on a rock face…

  • The Psychology of Via Ferrata.

    The Psychology of Via Ferrata.

    Reading Time: 4 minutes   The psychology of Via Ferrata is similar to the psychology of climbing except that everyone is moving constantly and there are few pre-requisites. As a result of this it is easy for people to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. They can be made uncomfortable by how high they are…

  • The Tichodrome Via Ferrata behind Neuchatel is not for beginners

    Reading Time: < 1 minute The Tichodrome Via Ferrata near the Creux du Van is not a via Ferrata for beginners. Yesterday I went with a group of people and it took two and a half hours rather than the one and a half hours that it was meant to take. There are two principal…