Category: Uncategorized

  • No Inspiration

    Reading Time: < 1 minute No inspiration today.

  • Before the storm

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Nice big clouds of the Jura earlier today. The expected rain has now started and I can hear some, but not much thunder. We will see how fun it gets this evening.

  • Dark Clouds Over the Jura

    Dark Clouds Over the Jura

    Reading Time: < 1 minute According to Strava this was my 140th hike this year and my 83rd week of tracked activity. I don’t know why it’s only 83 weeks. My habit is older than that. When I set off, it was nice weather and warm. I didn’t set off with much because I expected…

  • A Year Without Handshakes and Hugs

    Reading Time: 3 minutes We are over a year into the pandemic that I wrote about for the first one hundred days, and stopped writing about because I thought that the Swiss Government was getting close to eradicating the disease, or at least getting it down to 0 new cases per day. Do you remember…

  • Forced to Wear Mask Outdoors

    Forced to Wear Mask Outdoors

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Switzerland is currently toying with the idea of forcing people to wear masks outdoors but it’s not clear whether this would be for cities or whether it would be for villages and even rural walks. If the obligation to wear a mask at all times is enacted then I have two…

  • Web Dev Studies During The Pandemic.

    Web Dev Studies During The Pandemic.

    Reading Time: 2 minutes During this Pandemic, I have decided to study Web Development and I am slowly making my way through one or two Linkedin Learning Pathways. In the process, I have learned about CSS, PHP, JavaScript ECMAScript2016, Frameworks and more. The course I have studied are: Angular Essential Training / React.js Essential Training…

  • Nice Clouds on a Windy Day

    Nice Clouds on a Windy Day

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes you drive home on the scooter and you look up at the sky and you think “When I get out of this village I’m going to stop by the side of the road and I’m going to take a picture of the clouds because they’re photogenic. The reason for them…

  • Self-Sacrifice and Pandemics

    Self-Sacrifice and Pandemics

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Self-Sacrifice and Pandemics are intimate friends. In order for a pandemic to end we must learn to do without things that we need. We go without meeting friends for months, we go without hugs or handshakes for months. We go without restaurants, bars, cafés or cinemas for months. We go without…

  • Day 74 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Looking At Swiss COVID-19 Case Graphs

    Day 74 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Looking At Swiss COVID-19 Case Graphs

    Reading Time: 3 minutes For several days I have not been looking as seriously at the COVID-19 case graphs for Switzerland because we the storm waves of new cases that we were getting before are now no more than ripples on a pond. The situation seems to be under control in Switzerland. As we look…

  • Day 72 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – British Anger At The Wrong Thing

    Day 72 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – British Anger At The Wrong Thing

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I want to write about British anger at the wrong day today. As Switzerland gets closer and closer to zero cases and zero deaths per day it’s dangerously easy to think it will be over soon only to find out that it isn’t. I thought that by April 19th we could…