Category: Via Ferrata

  • The Roche Au Dade Via Ferrata

    The Roche Au Dade Via Ferrata

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Two days ago I was agonising about whether to go for a via ferrata(VF) or a hike. Eventually I decided that I would go for the hike, because hiking was an 18 minute drive away. I went for a walk/run and then I found that I had a burning desire to…

  • Day 54 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – The Via Ferrata Season Resumes on Monday

    Day 54 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – The Via Ferrata Season Resumes on Monday

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Via Ferrata Season resumes on Monday with La Via Farinetta reopening. This news came via the Via Farinetta Saillon official page, as seen with the Facebook embed below. Bonne nouvelle! La Via sera ouverte à partir ce lundi 11 mai ?? Néanmoins nous vous rendons attentifs sur les instructions des…

  • La Via Ferrata Farinet

    La Via Ferrata Farinet

    Reading Time: 2 minutes For a week or two in April the weather was nice but since then the weather has been bad. We had new snow, high winds and rain. Yesterday rain was announced yet again for parts of Switzerland but luckily only clouds were announced for Saillon where the Via Farinetta is. I…

  • Via Ferrata Jacques Revaclier

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Via Ferrata Jacques Revaclier is located on the Salève a short drive from Vitam Parc and within easy driving distance of Geneva and Nyon. The Via Ferrata requires scrambling over a few metres of rock to get to the start. This via Ferrata has two parkings. The first of these…

  • The Klettersteig Rider 3.0

    The Klettersteig Rider 3.0

    Reading Time: < 1 minute The Klettersteig Rider 3.0 is a dual system via ferrata kit. It has a carabiner like standard via ferrata kits have and a “rider” system. The “rider” system fixes to the via ferrata cable and progresses with you. As you get to a part where you need to switch you…

  • Clean Water for Hikes and cycling, without the weight

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Clean water is important to have when you’re cycling, hiking or climbing in summer but the issue is that it is heavy. When I go cycling I go with just one flask and I fill up the water bottle when I get to fountains that are marked as safe to drink…

  • Electro-dance yodelling and other Valais videos

    Electro-dance yodelling and other Valais videos

    Reading Time: < 1 minute This yodelling video is currently the number one trending video on youtube. I am unclear on whether it is for Switzerland or a bigger region. A small tractor is driving up a Swiss Alpine road with a group of yodelers sitting in a trailer. A car with Ma Cherie playing on…

  • Using an Xtorm Solar Charger

    Using an Xtorm Solar Charger

    Reading Time: 3 minutes While in Spain for three weeks I was playing with the Xtorm solar Charger. I found that it worked well for the charging of tablets and e-book readers but not mobile phones. For years I have wanted to play with solar power. I have wanted to buy a solar panel that I could…

  • Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

    Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Strava now has rock climbing, hiking and many more sports. Sports tracker, movescount and other applications already allowed you to do this but it is nice to see one more network provide us with this option. Up until now I had to make sure to go for a bike ride or…

  • The Third part of the Saillon VF

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday afternoon after two top rope climbs in Dorénaz we drove to the Via Ferrata de Saillon to climb this one. It is a via ferrata that I know well. This time I decided that I wanted to try the third part of the Saillon VF once again. What makes the…