
Thoughts on the Conversational Sharing of Links

Reading Time: 3 minutes Facebook and twitter were first and foremost about conversations between individuals. It is only later that thoughts on the conversational sharing of links became relevant. In a conversational environment you may see headlines and either comment or re-share them without taking the time to read the article. In taking the time to read the article…

IFTTT – Instagram to Twitter
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IFTTT – Instagram to Twitter

Reading Time: 2 minutes Instagram is still a healthy social network. It still finds an engaged group of users who want to share their adventures, meals, friendships and more with other users. Some of them love sharing selfies and others share beautiful landscapes. This keeps the network vibrant and young. Twitter on the other hand has neutralised peoples’ passion…


Content creation and Social Networks

Reading Time: 2 minutes Content creation and Social Networks both fulfil our need to communicate with others. In one case we are working on the long form and creating content in blog form, photographs, well produced videos and more and through certain social networks we do the opposite. On twitter and facebook we spend most of our time writing two or…

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Sending HTC M8 phones to the Middle of the Stratosphere

Reading Time: 2 minutes A few months ago I saw the video of a mobility scooter going fast across snow. The video was shared as an anim gif with no context. As I explored the diversity of content on Youtube I came across Colin Furze videos. In one project he sent mobile phones to the Middle of the Stratosphere…

Cosmic Trip – Physical Video gaming – Throw it like a frisbee
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Cosmic Trip – Physical Video gaming – Throw it like a frisbee

Reading Time: 3 minutes Physical Video Gaming Physical video gaming is coming of age thanks to the HTC Vive and related Games. Cosmic Trip is one of these games. You can use both controllers to prepare machines that will prepare robots for mining and defence. These two sets of robots are autonomous. The more resources you mine and the…

The Post Social Media Era
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The Post Social Media Era

Reading Time: 3 minutes I believe that we are shifting towards a Post Social Media Era where social networks are built in to online activities. People love to say that online social networks and social media are a waste of time and that they have a negative impact on how we feel about ourselves. For years I have been…

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Quora and lateral thinking

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently I saw the question “Why can’t I charge my mobile phone while riding my scooter?” on Quora so I decided to provide the answer that you see below. In my eyes my answer is legitimate. As an ingress player, as a scooter driver, and as someone who has done what I describe in the answer…

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Social Media and The Human Return on Investment

Reading Time: 3 minutes Social Media and the Human Return on Investment, because contrary to popular belief we use social networks to socialise, not to shop. As we grow older and more mature our close network of friends changes and evolves. We go from school friends to university friends and then to professional friends. In the process we move…