Category: immersive

  • A Frustrating Injury

    A Frustrating Injury

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There are two rules that we know well. The first is that we should take our shoes off before crossing a stream, to avoid getting our shoes wet. The second rule is never to cross a stream barefoot because you need to protect your feet. Last week I crossed a stream and I…

  • Apple Pure Vision and the Immersive Experience Opportunity

    Apple Pure Vision and the Immersive Experience Opportunity

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Memorable VR experiences AR/VR and XR have been around for years, if not decades. The most unique VR experience I was involved with was people wearing an immersive headset whilst snorkelling in a pool to experience being “weightless” whilst watching an immersive video.  The second most interesting video 360 experience was…

  • Filming events in 360

    Filming events in 360

    Reading Time: 2 minutes We have all seen events covered by photographers and camera operators but how many events have we seen covered with 360 degree videos? A few weeks ago I filmed the Escalade, wrestling and other events with 360 cameras and it was fun. In some cases it was the opportunity to play…

  • A continued Interest in 360 Videos

    A continued Interest in 360 Videos

    Reading Time: < 1 minute A few weeks ago I was at the Geneva International Film Festival in Geneva as a volunteer so I got to play and experience new 360 experiences and some of these were interested because we could move around in space whilst others were interesting because of their length. A few…

  • Thoughts on the Oculus Quest

    Reading Time: < 1 minute During the World XR Forum I had to carry six or more Oculus Quest devices from a car to the conference centre and then help with setting up at least one of these devices. At first I thought it was like most VR headsets where the phone is the display.…

  • Sea of Tranquility – Snorkeling VR by Pierre Friquet

    Sea of Tranquility – Snorkeling VR by Pierre Friquet

    Reading Time: 3 minutes During the World XR Forum this year in Crans Montana I helped Pierre Friquet with his Sea of Tranquility VR Experience. This VR experience was unique in that it required you to be either in your swimming clothes, your underwear or other. This was a VR experience where you went from…

  • The Insta360 Nano and Air – A climbing test

    The Insta360 Nano and Air – A climbing test

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Insta 360 Nano and Air are two affordable cameras. The first is designed to work with the new iPhone shape as well as a stand alone device. The Insta360 Air works only when it is plugged into an Android device. Both are good for specific uses. Insta360 Air The Insta360…

  • The World VR Forum – Year 2 – The Conferences

    The World VR Forum – Year 2 – The Conferences

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I was a volunteer at the World VR Forum again this year. I was in the conference room providing speakers with microphones before they went up on stage. As a result of this I was able to listen to many interesting speakers. They spoke about a diversity of topics of interest to various…

  • A 360° cooking Show would be interesting to watch.

    Reading Time: 3 minutes For a few weeks now I have been thinking about how you could make a 360° cooking show. For this video I would like to be able to see the process from an angle where I see the person cooking. I would also like to see all of the ingredients and…

  • A 360 Video of planes landing – An experiment

    A 360 Video of planes landing – An experiment

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I prepared a 360 Video of planes landing at Geneva International Airport yesterday afternoon. Watching planes land, especially when you’re right underneath them just as they’re about to touch down is a lot of fun. You see the lights in the distance and slowly those lights approach. There is a point after…