Category: French walks

  • A Frustrating Injury

    A Frustrating Injury

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There are two rules that we know well. The first is that we should take our shoes off before crossing a stream, to avoid getting our shoes wet. The second rule is never to cross a stream barefoot because you need to protect your feet. Last week I crossed a stream and I…

  • StepsApp


    Reading Time: 3 minutes Walking and taking steps could be seen as boring. It’s something we do every day, without thinking about it. At conferences we can easily take 20,000 steps a day, when we’re standing for the entire day, with barely any opportunities, or need to sit, except when eating or getting from A…

  • Walking from Village to Village, and Village to Town

    Walking from Village to Village, and Village to Town

    Reading Time: 3 minutes The conversation is too often about designing cities to be car-free, but I would argue that designing the countryside to require less frequently would be more advantageous. The reason for this is that walking from village to village, and from villages to towns eliminates the need for, and appeal of the…

  • Sara – Guide De Haute Montagne – Hiking On The Moon

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Sara – Guide De Haute Montagne – Hiking On The… par MONTAGNETV Portrait of a mountain guide in the French Alpes.

  • A gorge and a Railway tunnel

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I went exploring the French Jura in the hope of capturing some of the Autumnal colours. I drove an hour into the Jura and arrived at this place. They say that it’s a one hour walk but it took me less than that to cover. There is information along…