Category: lifestream

  • Feeding the Seagulls

    Feeding the Seagulls

    Reading Time: < 1 minute A woman feeding seagulls by the sea.

  • Feeding the Seagulls

    Reading Time: < 1 minute A woman feeding seagulls by the sea.

  • Twitter: The Rise of the Personal Question That Isn’t

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently I have noticed individuals tweeting as if they were people, asking questions and getting 120 or more comments. They ask a question like “What was your first OS” or “What is your current setup” or other questions. These are generic questions that everyone has an answer to, so everyone answers…

  • A Vaccination and A New Car

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I haven’t written about the Pandemic in many weeks, because not much has changed. We’re in it for the long haul. Until the vaccine I believed and hoped that governments would attempt to get to zero new community transmissions as had been the goal in New Zealand. With the arrival of…

  • The Year-Old Pandemic

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Thanks to the incompetence of leadership during this pandemic Switzerland went from a low of 21 cases per day in June 2021 to a high of 3600 or more over Christmas. This is really a shame. For a short period up to the 21st of June Switzerland really looked as if…

  • Looking Back In Time

    Looking Back In Time

    Reading Time: 2 minutes For a few days now I’ve been looking through thousands of pictures to make sure that they’re synced from iCloud to the Photo app before they’re deleted. In so doing I noticed how far in front of a group I was hiking a few years ago. Instead of hiking with the…

  • City Cat Sitting.

    City Cat Sitting.

    Reading Time: < 1 minute For the first time in my life I am cat sitting. I’m used to village cats and this is a city cat so I don’t know how much time I need to spend with the cat, how much I need to play and more. When I look after toddlers I…

  • Spring and summer are playing with us

    Spring and summer are playing with us

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Spring and Summer are playing with us. A few weeks ago it was warm and sunny. It felt as if summer was finally here and that we could start planning outdoor activities that don’t require enormous amounts of fossil fuels, like skiing and snowboarding do. 😉 We had the rain and…

  • The Moléson VF with the Narrative Clip 2

    The Moléson VF with the Narrative Clip 2

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Narrative Clip 2 is a specialist camera that can be programmed to take photos at regular intervals whilst you enjoy activities. This is sometimes referred to as life logging. The idea is that you wear the camera either on clothing or place it somewhere where it can capture the passage…

  • Social Media and The Human Return on Investment

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Social Media and the Human Return on Investment, because contrary to popular belief we use social networks to socialise, not to shop. As we grow older and more mature our close network of friends changes and evolves. We go from school friends to university friends and then to professional friends. In…