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PodcampUK – Part 1 of the debrief

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are many podcamps but Podcampuk was my podcamp. This was an event which was similar to just one previous experience. It was an event where everyone you talked to had at least one website and others may have had several. They also used twitter and prepared radio programs. What is great about the podcast…

tired from the event

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s been a good evening at Podcampuk. The afternoon’s sessions were quite funny and the band was good. I enjoyed filming the band thanks to the diversity of shots I could aim to get. We had some interesting interviews of which two were with teachers. One was a University level professor whilst the other was…

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Facebook, a personal rather than social network

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ten years ago if you met someone and they gave you their visit card you’d put it away somewhere and eventually you might have come back to it but the information would need updating. Over the years social networking tools on the web have evolved from simple mail clients to web forums and finally to…

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Social networking and freebase

Reading Time: 2 minutes As you’re painfully aware by now there are hundreds of social networking websites but none of them have a communal database. If you’re on orkut your data stays there, if you’re on yahoo communities your data is there. All these social networking websites are very similar in what they ask of you but different in…

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As featured on Operator 11

Reading Time: < 1 minute After a long but great day of work I came home to do The Twitter Vox show with Loudmouthman and two guests. We were joined by Goldie Katsu and Malburns. We discussed what it’s like to reach 3000 tweets and the conversation moved towards the advantages of using twitter when part of global communities like…

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Ijustine and the Fake Steve Jobs

Reading Time: 2 minutes The fake Steve Jobs linked to this video before writing a short commentary. title=”Fake Steve Jobs truly does hate me. His 2nd hate post: http://tweetl.com/0u8&#8243;>  “Phone Bill Girl and one of her fellow Ph.D. candidates are discussing the work of Roland Barthes and narrative theory in the context of Derrida and Chomsky, with a deftly…

Twitter Vox was a success

Reading Time: < 1 minute Tonight I did my first proper live program on Operator 11 and it went really well. The participants for this show were Loudmouthman of Loudmouthman.com, Phil Campbell of me.dm and Rotjong of Lowlands 2007 mashup. We discussed the twitter meetup but quickly moved onto a variety of subjects. The conversation begins after a few seconds…