Eight things you didn’t know about me – Tagged by Nik and Neil

Reading Time: 2 minutes Both Nik and Neil have tagged me to talk about eight random things about myself and since I have some time tonight I’ll work on this. 1) I reached competition level as a skier in France after progressing through all the levels but have never bothered to compete. I love the sport and the sensations…

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Practice with the Canon XH A1

Reading Time: < 1 minute With a screen resolution of 1920*1080 interlaced this is one of the higher resolution cameras currently on the market at the moment. It’s beautifuly designed for camera men rather than engineers (unlike the red). I already wrote about earlier.The light wasn’t so interesting but here are 11 seconds of footage. (92 megs) Right click to save the footage…

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Valentine’s – a social media perspective

Reading Time: 2 minutes Valentine’s day is a day both dreaded and feared by most for two reasons, as a couple because of the pressure you’re under and as a single because you’re single. In the social media though it can be one of the most amusing times. My social media valentine consisted in two parts. The first on…

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Yahoo live

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yahoo live is an interesting live video conferencing tool still in it’s early days. It allows you to stream video live from your webcam and watch up to four other streams at the same time. There’s a chatroom and you can see all the participants at once and select which ones you want in vision…

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Twittervox – as seen in central London

Reading Time: < 1 minute The film Juno was screened to a crowd of bloggers of which both Loudmouthman and I were part of. As a result it gave us the perfect opportunity to do a twittervox. The video can be found here for direct download. After meeting with Nik Butler and others for the screening of the film Juno…

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Learning more about Dziga Vertov and his views on cinema

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dziga Vertov is an interesting personality because of his ideas of the Cinema eye. His notion was that with the cinema eye, the Kino Glaz you could capture life unawares whilst being involved in the creative treatment of actuality. After making some quick money by answering some social networking questions I dropped by the apple…