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The Social Media Morning

Reading Time: < 1 minute I went to the Social Media Coffee event this morning and met quite a few of the usual people including Deek, Sizemore, Londonfilmgeek and others. I got to know a few more twitter users a little better and that’s where I stayed for part of the morning. I’ve been networking a lot over the past…

No good mornings

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yet again Twitter is down for far longer than anticipated due to yet another server upgrade and I wonder about something. I can I recommend anyone use a service like twitter when it’s got such a poort uptime record. It’s not that complicated when you think of it as instant messaging so why all the…

My tweeting habit

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dacort on twitter has given me access to a site (I am not yet free to disclose the URL yet) where we can see our twitter activity in graphic form. It gives us a nice overview of how strong our twitter habit is. title=”Progression over time”> (click image to see full graph) When I started…

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Likemind Coffee morning in London

Reading Time: 3 minutes Two nights ago whilst having a conversation about technology with Fooz on twitter I got a message from Jamie about the Likemind coffee morning in Central London that she thought might be of interest to me. I decided that I would go and it was worth the effort. From what I gather it’s held once…

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The Seesmic Dinner

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last night I had the good fortune of attending the social media dinner at the Coach and horse in London. It was yet another opportunity to meet people like Lloyd, Sizemore, Phil Campbell, Deek, Rupert Howe, Jess and many other seesmic participants. It was also my opportunity to meet some new people. I met Vinvin…

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The Francofous Seesmic Skype call

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are two communities on Seesmic, those that are English speakers and those that are French speakers. The French speaking seesmicers can be recognized by two things. The first one is the Racoon avatar, the second is that they refer to each other as the Francofous, the crazy french. Last night Seesmic went down due…