Category: Video

  • Moving Sugar Beet

    Reading Time: 2 minutes For a few weeks you see piles of sugar beet at one end, or another of fields. They stay that way for a while, until it rains for some reason. When it rains those piles of beet are loaded into hundreds of tractor trailer loads and transported to the train yard.…

  • YouTube and the Million Follower type

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I used to really like YouTube. It was a place where normal people could share videos of their normal lives, for normal people to enjoy, and to discover organically. Today YouTube is a way of forcing people to watch adverts before watching content that has been seen half a million to…

  • Version Control, Engineering and Rocket Engines

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Every Rocketdyne engine was fine tuned and perfected by hand, from plans, that were modified but not updated. This means that each engine was unique. It would take trial and error to build them again. With GIT and other forms of version control the entire process could theoretically have been…

  • Perm 36 YouTube Video Visit

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Last night I watched a video about a visit to Perm36 but it covered just the trip. The video below is far more complete and informative. I am currently reading Gulag by Anne Applebaum, rather than The Gulag Archipelago, like she mentions. I started reading it decades ago but never…

  • The Horror of Herculaneum

    The Horror of Herculaneum

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Years ago I walked around Herculaneum and was impressed by how well preserved it was. I could see wood, plaster and more. You could see how the rooms looked. It is much smaller than Pompei but it is still worth visiting

  • Documentaries about JavaScript Frameworks

    Documentaries about JavaScript Frameworks

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Within the last week Honeypot Originals have released a number of documentaries. Each episode covers a different JavaScript Framework. So far that have Vue.js, Ember.js, Elixir and GraphQL. Each of these documentaries is about half an hour long and interviews some of the key players. What is nice about these documentaries…

  • An Interesting Structure In the Mouth of a Cavern.

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I find the image in this tweet interesting. I don’t know the context of this location. I find the wooden building interesting. I also find it interesting to see the lighter patch around where the chimney exhausts. It is something out of the ordinary and could be interesting to see…

  • Video Editing And Social Media

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In the past if you wanted to be a video editor you also needed to be a camera operator, and to be a camera operator you needed to be a video editor. By knowing both skills you shot good material because you knew how hard bad material was to use. As…

  • Day 33 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A video walk

    Day 33 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A video walk

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Today I went on a video walk with the DJI OSMO pocket three or whichever number it has and I took a series of frames. Before going for my daily walk I searched through the Vision Du Réel virtual Film Festival list of films and I found “The Bridge“. It’s available…

  • Day Twenty-seven of ORCA in Switzerland – River Walking

    Day Twenty-seven of ORCA in Switzerland – River Walking

    Reading Time: 2 minutes My shoes are wet and my socks are wet because today I tried river walking. If a child was to do the same it would be called immature and irrational but when an adult does it then it’s adventure, and trying something new. My motivation to river walk came from the…