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Taking Yet Another Twitter Break

Reading Time: 2 minutes With the current situation at Twitter I have chosen to take a twitter break. Twitter hasn’t been fun during the last three years, which is part of the reason I went anonymous, private, and then public but anonymous again. It used to be about having conversations with people that I would eventually want to meet…

The Decline of Twitter
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The Decline of Twitter

Reading Time: 4 minutes Twitter is alive and healthy, with vibrant communities and an opportunity to converse with people and find information that mainstream media are sometimes slow to report on. Over the last week that balance is swinging towards less positive times. In Europe, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression require people to say things that they…

On the Detrimental impact of Chain Letters on Social Networks

On the Detrimental impact of Chain Letters on Social Networks

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the 90s, people found it fun to share chain letters. At the time, this was something new to many of us, so we found them fun. We received and then passed them on, but over the volume of chain letters become a torrent of spam. The letter is fun the first time you see…


The Roman Civilisation On Twitter

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Roman Civilisation is being tweeted about on Twitter. There are accounts that tweet about ongoing archeological digs, museum opening times and more. They also share images and videos, providing people with a visual way of learning about the Romans. One of these twitter accounts is Roman Britain. They tweet original content as well as…


Looking Out From The Other Side of the Internet Tunnel

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I started reading “What the Internet Is Doing To Our Brains, The Shallows” and I feel that I am on the other side of the experience. I have been through the passion for new content, the passion to constantly write the new things that people write, and the need to be connected. There was…