Twitter: The Rise of the Personal Question That Isn’t

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently I have noticed individuals tweeting as if they were people, asking questions and getting 120 or more comments. They ask a question like “What was your first OS” or “What is your current setup” or other questions. These are generic questions that everyone has an answer to, so everyone answers to them. Those answering…

How To Block Twitter and Facebook Using The Hosts File On A Mac.

Reading Time: 2 minutes If we’re not learning every day then we’re wasting our time. If we’re not up to mischief every day then we’re likely to become unhappy. In light of both of these things let me give you a quick tip for blocking Twitter and Facebook. My motivation for doing this is the following. Twitter doesn’t trust…


The Roman Civilisation On Twitter

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Roman Civilisation is being tweeted about on Twitter. There are accounts that tweet about ongoing archeological digs, museum opening times and more. They also share images and videos, providing people with a visual way of learning about the Romans. One of these twitter accounts is Roman Britain. They tweet original content as well as…

Of Twitter Threads (mice) and Blog Posts (Humans).

Reading Time: 3 minutes With the sentence “Of Twitter threads (Mice) and Blog Posts (Humans)” you’ll see that I’ve done two things. The first is that I’ve modernised a well-known book title to draw parallels with the practices of writing Twitter threads and blog posts. People write twitter threads because they think that it’s fast, convenient, will draw an…