Tag: travel
What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?
Reading Time: 2 minutesAs a follow up to yesterday’s blog post the last thing that I searched for was the travel times between Nyon and Le Pont, the train time between Le Pont and Vallorbe and the driving time between Le Pont and Moléson-Sur-Gruyère and the time for a little détour to pick someone up…
Minimalist by Plane and The Opposite by Car
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen I was flying between England and Switzerland regularly I packed so that everything would fit into a bag that I could take on board. When I travel by car I pack less effectively. Today I have two tents, two different types of sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, a Bare Dry suit…
A Medium Drive
Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday I am more than five minutes from home. I am in St Moritz for a change. I will write more when I have something to write about. For now I am far from the noise of a certain music festival.
Why Would They Build This in the Middle of Nowhere
Reading Time: 3 minutesRecently someone said “I wonder why they would build the Abbey d’Oujon in the middle of nowhere and someone asked the same about Romainmôtier and the idea is an interesting one. It’s interesting because until motorways and before an extra four to six billion peoples wewre born and survived infancy the world,…
A Spanish View
Reading Time: < 1 minuteA view of Calpe and the Peñon De Ifach from [Portixol](https://maps.app.goo.gl/pvNojwsPmUVta29x6) [{.alignnone}](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IMG_2581-300×225.jpg)
The Desire for a Road Trip
Reading Time: 4 minutesAlmost every time I get into the car I wish I was going on a road trip. I wish I was driving from point A to point B and that the drive would take hours, rather than minutes. As much as I hate “commuting” between point A and point B on a…
Nervous Energy
Reading Time: 2 minutesI don’t know whether I’m nervous or anxious about driving from 11-13 hours almost non stop tomorrow. In the past I have driven from Switzerland to Spain, without stopping. In the past we had to stop to refuel but not anymore, not with modern cars. We have to stop for toilet breaks…
Reading About The Camino De Santiago
Reading Time: 2 minutesOver the last month or so I have been reading Le Camino Seule, ou enfin presque and it is one of my favourite hiking books. It might simply be because it was written in French, by a french woman rather than in English by Brits or Americans but it made me feel…
Bookcrossing and A November Walk
Reading Time: 2 minutesToday I went for a slight variant and came across a book dating back to 1930 so of course I picked it up. I like the look and feel of old books. I also like that they carry history. The book is 91, almost 92 years old and it has been passed…
From A Spanish to A Swiss Autumn
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen I left for Spain Switzerland was just starting to turn Autumnal. Today, when I looked around I could see that Autumn has arrived properly in Switzerland. In Spain the sun is still warm enough for t-shirt wearing and swimming. The sun is still strong enough to change our chrominance. Yesterday I…