Threads And Europe

Threads And Europe

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday Facebook, discguised as meta, and Meta, diguised as Instagram launched Threads. Threads is meant to be a twitter competitor. The paradox is that Facebook has always been a twitter competitor, and this has become more evident with every iteration of both social networks. It is paradoxical that Facebook would need threads, to compete with…

Podcasts and Social Media
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Podcasts and Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes When you listen to podcasts, and you read articles, and you visit websites you always see Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Instagram, to name the giants. In every podcast episode you hear the guests say “You can find me under this name on this network, and the same name on that network.” The Shift to CrowdFunded…

The Diversification Of The Social Media and Microblogging Environment
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The Diversification Of The Social Media and Microblogging Environment

Reading Time: 3 minutes When Elon Musk bought Twitter he signed the start of the Social Media giant’s implosion. A decade earlier Murdoch had done the same thing to MySpace. In the end he sold MySpace for a fraction of what he had bought it for.  We could cry, and bemoan the loss of Twitter but we could also…

Application Programming Interfaces, Really Simple Syndication and the Open Protocols

Application Programming Interfaces, Really Simple Syndication and the Open Protocols

Reading Time: 3 minutes Twitter and Reddit want to charge people to use their API despite already wanting people to pay them directly. Twitter decided to drive users away and make itself more expensive. As a result of this the website is imploding, rather than thriving.  Yesterday I read that Reddit, too, wanted to charge users to access its…

Mastodon has Eight Million Accounts Today
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Mastodon has Eight Million Accounts Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes Mastodon has reached eight million accounts today. That’s close to the population of Switzerland and two million less than London. Mastodon is growing because it was ready to scale up at the right time. As Musk and Twitter shift towards the Right, and as Musk perpetuates conspiracy theories, on a daily basis, so he prepares…