Category: opensocial

  • The Reddit Emigration

    The Reddit Emigration

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I know of Reddit and I have an account that I use every so often. I have never felt the need for a site like Digg or Reddit, because I don’t feel the need to look at what people are sharing and reading, and promoting or demoting. For a long time…

  • The Paradox of Instagram’s Twitter

    The Paradox of Instagram’s Twitter

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Within the last two days I saw a headline that is either amusing or tragic. The headline is that Instagram is creating a twitter clone, or even a Twitter competitor. This is amusing, or tragic, because Twitter and Facebook have always been competitors. You had the network of strangers that became…

  • Open Social vs Portal facebook

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Loudmouthman, amongst others was expressing his desire for a means by which to aggregate all our online data through one central account. I though of Freebase and Openid and how they could work. Google though had other thoughts. Whilst Facebook behaves like a portal opensocial helps agggregate content. Facebook assumes thatyou…