Category: tech related

  • Estimated Delivery Date 03 Jul 2007

    Reading Time: < 1 minute If that’s true then my MBP is waiting for me in Switzerland but I’m stuck in London for another week before i can go back and get it. Tonight I’ll find out whether a note was left by the delivery company and soon I’ll start up the computer for the…

  • I hope he doesn’t succeed

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There is an individual from Wembley who wants to sue google for search results apparently defaming him. The content was posted by anonymous sources and due to this fact, it is time-consuming to find who was the source of these allegations. There is a problem with the complaint. The worldwide web…

  • Dissertation Results

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today is a great day for a number of reasons. The first of these is that I woke up early, which means I slept enough. The second of these is that I dropped into university and was sad to see all those empty bedrooms, which shows there are some good…

  • Planning A New Section For My Website.

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I’ve spent time looking at the website earnings and I’ve seen that with just a few minutes of work I’ve doubled the earnings from my website. I’m not going into the details at the moment but since I seem to be doing nothing productive I’m going to re-work my website…

  • Podcast listening and more

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Since I finished my dissertation my biggest time sink has been listening to podcasts. For some reason, I download the entire series of podcasts and work through them one at a time until there are no more. It’s a way of relaxing. It’s also a way of getting information quite easily.…

  • Nucking Futters

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Internet addiction and e-mail addiction should have gone the way of the polaroid years ago. Why are there several news sources claiming that people are addicted to e-mail? That’s like claiming that people are addicted to toilet paper or using a pen when writing on paper. It’s a question of…

  • Sharing Videos With Facebook

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Through technology such as that available on Facebook, video sharing has become quite a bit easier. Whereas on a website like youtube where you share video footage with the world on Facebook you select who you share your videos with. There are three settings, share with everyone on your network, including…

  • Slightly Ahead Of Their Comfort Zone

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I went to film some friends playing a gig by the lakeside in Nyon and it was a great occasion. The sun was shining, the air temperature was good and many people that I had not seen in many years were present. The shoot involved two cameras. One was at…

  • It’s A Nice Upgrade

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I passed an order through the online apple store and within a number of weeks I should get one of the top of the range machines and I’m really looking forward to it. The Ram isn’t maxed out but that’s because I’m going to upgrade that from an other…

  • I like Joost and I like the Wii

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Tonight was a tech-filled night. I finally had the possibility of downloading and testing out Joost and I enjoyed the experience. Joost Joost is a peer to peer video sharing website that is based on the concept of channels but unlike other channels, each video is available on demand. What this…