Category: tech related
Apple phone show 22 is interesting and twitter tracking
Reading Time: < 1 minuteApple Phone Show no. 22 is a particularly good episode. Andy Ihnatko and Scott Bourne discuss how to use the iPhone in real-life situations. It’s a precursor of things to come in the near future. I’ve decided to try Twitter tracking which works by you selecting which words you want to…
Invisible without a website
Reading Time: 3 minutesHaving a website is essential in today’s media landscape for one simple reason. You don’t exist until I can hyperlink to a website containing examples of your work and describing what you do. This is particularly true in today’s new media landscape. For the minimalist among you a facebook or myspace page…
Hit the ground running (waking up in Web 2.0)
Reading Time: 2 minutesThere was a time when you would wake up and it’s only half an hour later that the world around you would be clearly visible. In today’s web 2.0 world you wake up and twenty other people are wishing each other good morning. Many are celebrating that it’ Friday and others have…
Editgrid is a spreadsheet website for the iphone
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhilst listening to Macbreak weekly I heard about Editgrid, a web based spreadsheet that resembles many others with a difference. It’s optimised for the Iphone if you go to It’s an interesting implementation which can as easily be edited online as offline. This is great for those that may need…
Twittervox, flatlisters and a possible trip to Paris
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn today’s Twittervox episode we had Nik Butler talking about his idea of the flatlister. The concept is based around the idea that when someone is promoting themselves and building their own persona they are a flat lister. In other words they are in charge of their own persona and their own…
The joy of flying
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve flown geneva to London so many times that I’m completely indifferent about the flight. I’m not so indifferent about the consistent flight delays that I always get. At the moment today’s delay is nothing but one hr fourty. That’s a delay that lasts longer than the flight. I wish flying…
On television accuracy within this “New Media” landscape
Reading Time: 4 minutesSince I had some free time I went over to the Old Theatre of the London school of economics and what we found out from that conversation is that people don’t trust television. According to one of the chairs this was at a ratio of 4:3. This is an interesting situation since…
17 After the Event- Carrying the Conversation Forward
Reading Time: 2 minutesThere are two key events I have been to since the beginning of summer. These are PodcampUK and the Twitter Meetup. Both of these events have been followed up by a continuing collaboration between participants. The first event was the London twitter meetup. I went there knowing just two participants, Sizemore and…
59 Twitter is Too Simple- Twitter is Just Right
Reading Time: 2 minutesTwitter is one of those things that’s really hard to explain due to it’s sheer simplicity. It’s a website that allows you to answer the “what are you doing question”. That is the initial phase. When you’re new to twitter you’ll be confused because you know no one therefore the codes and…
The Brogan hundred
Reading Time: 2 minutesChris Brogan recently wrote a list of one hundred things he would like people to blog about and I would like to make my way through the list. It may take 100 days but it may take fewer. It depends on how busy I get and what interesting things are there to…