Category: twitter

  • Yet another episode. Twittervox 4

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Yet another episode of twittervox was recorded today at the new time of 1pm British summertime whilst outside the weather is more autumnal. Nik Butler of h and I discussed the new media landscape and how social networks in the real and virtual world were interacting together. Loudmouthman focussed his…

  • Friendships and twitter

    Reading Time: 2 minutes As I left the University halls for the last time so it signalled the beginning of a new era in my life. No longer would I go to the student bar or the editing suites to chat with friends and see what they were doing. Now it was time to move…

  • As featured on Operator 11

    Reading Time: < 1 minute After a long but great day of work I came home to do The Twitter Vox show with Loudmouthman and two guests. We were joined by Goldie Katsu and Malburns. We discussed what it’s like to reach 3000 tweets and the conversation moved towards the advantages of using twitter when…

  • Ijustine and the Fake Steve Jobs

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The fake Steve Jobs linked to this video before writing a short commentary.  “Phone Bill Girl and one of her fellow Ph.D. candidates are discussing the work of Roland Barthes and narrative theory in the context of Derrida and Chomsky, with a deftly handled digression into the recurring sexism of Norman…

  • Twitter Vox was a success

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Tonight I did my first proper live program on Operator 11 and it went really well. The participants for this show were Loudmouthman of, Phil Campbell of and Rotjong of Lowlands 2007 mashup. We discussed the twitter meetup but quickly moved onto a variety of subjects. The conversation…

  • McLuhan’s Thoughts And How They May Relate To Twitter

    Reading Time: 4 minutes “The simultaneity of electric communication, also characteristic of our nervous system, makes each of us present and accessible to every other person in the world. To a large degree, our co-presence everywhere at once in the electric age is a fact of passive, rather than active, experience. Actively we are more…

  • Operator 11, Your Own Television Show

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Operator 11 has taken video sharing and webcasting to the next level. Whereas websites such as youtube, google video, myspace, and Facebook all allow you to upload and share videos this one allows you two additional features. The first difference can be spotted when you sign up and arrive at the…

  • Twitter IRL

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last night I went to the London twitter meetup and enjoyed the event. I’m used to going out and hearing people talk about music and other things but here is a community that was talking about technology and internet-based activities. Sizemore and Trusted Places organised the event which took place at…

  • First London Twitter Meetup In a Week

    Reading Time: < 1 minute In a week’s time the first London twitter meetup will take place at Ishtar. For more information go here. Twitter is a text-based discussion that takes place 140 characters at a time via messenger, web, mobile phones, and browsers. It’s better simply to try twitter and see how people are…

  • Twitter is Suffering

    Reading Time: < 1 minute source Twitter is suffering and Jaiku is showing off about how great that website is in comparison. They omit to mention two facts. 1. It’s (giving the impression of being) proprietary, interesting mainly to Nokia users (at the moment) 2. It’s better online (requires a browser to take full advantage)…