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David Pogue’s Style

Too many video podcasts are badly produced and that is why David Pogue’s most recent episode was enjoyable to watch. He has a distinctive style. Whilst most video podcasters are content simply using a fixed camera at a desk he takes the time to create entertaining demonstrations of how the tech he is discussing is interesting.

In one episode he talked about how phones for children were great for some things but let down by others. He demonstrated his frustration at having an iPhone yet not being able to talk about it because he was under embargo. In one episode he was testing noise-canceling headphones and wore all of them at once as he left through the front door of his house. Each of these little acts helped to make his podcast both entertaining and different from others.

In his most recent episode, he brought attention to this fact, claiming that he would do it the same way as other video podcasters. He did do some things in a similar manner but overall he demonstrated creativity. By using cutaway shots and gags he still avoided a static shot of someone talking and even makes his audience laugh. The way he did this was by demonstrating a mallet and a sensor and how you can smash your computer’s screen virtually.

It’s great to watch these podcasts because they are well shot and thought out.

There are a number of podcasts that I find are lacking in quality. They re shot in high definition but the person is in a studio. In other cases, they perform interviews but use no cut away shots to illustrate the person’s character and profession and as a result, the interview is very hard to watch.

We’ve got great technology at our fingerprints. Almost any computer can now be used for editing and almost every household has at least one video taking device. Everyone has watched hours of television yet people have not learned how to produce videos to the standard that is required to make it entertaining. There is one advantage to today’s media landscape.

Those who are good video producers and content creators will attract a wider audience and as a result, may be able to sustain what they are doing  and expand on their initial idea. Quite a few people have made their mark and are now living comfortably thanks to the ideas they have brought to fruition and shared.


Monday Night Picadilly Line People

Last night’s fourty minute trip meant I got to see a lot of faces as I headed from one side to another. Some of these people would be forgotten within a few seconds whilst others would be remembered slightly longer. One girl had a disarming stare, as I headed to my first destination of the night. She got off within a few stops and my journey continued.

On the way back I was in good spirits after filming a few people perform their songs. I left so that I would have plenty of time to make my way home. It’s on this tube that I noticed all the people on the tube. Two guys, each with a drum stick were tapping to a beat no one else could hear. Another person was leaning to the right, onto the glass that prevents you from falling in front of the door should you sleep whilst commuting. A food guide was being read by another person, either after a good dinner or because he was still hungry. Two or three more people were half asleep.

One individual had bloodshot eyes, possibly from excessive drinking. He had to stand since no seats were available. The London light was entertaining another. Hair could be seen playing with the draught you get from the open window at the back of the carriage as she traveled along the tunnel to her destination listening to her iPod. To my left was a woman reading the media guardian.

In the back pocket of one individual was a booklet for The Phantom of the Opera as he waited to get off as his tube stop was coming up. To his right, a woman gesture to her companion indicating the booklet. They looked happy with the thought of going to the event.

In front of me were two women around my age. One had a breadcrumb on her lip but didn’t realise it. To her right the opposite, an attractive girl with sandals, a golden coat and a silver iPod nano to keep her entertained on the journey home. Hearing was taken care of by the headphones but the eyes were darting around the carriage. One way, then another, without settling anywhere specific.

Everyone must have done this, sat in a tube train, and looked at everyone around them, noticing little details, noticing where people had been and where they were going. It was the Monday night tube taking many of these people home.