Ansel Adams picture

Everyone is familiar with his work but how many people have seen a picture of Ansel Adams at work? Today on Retronaut they shared just such a picture. Who hasn’t been on a road trip to the US, stopped the car and taken pictures. Of course he is unique in that he stood on the roof with a tripod.  Conversely for Timescapes his car became his home so the tradition continues.

Cat in a shark costume on a Roomba vacuum cleaner

Shark week is here and along with it so the opportunity for shark videos to appear arrives. In one case a cat apparently likes traveling around rooms on a roomba while wearing a shark costume. Why a cat would wear a shark costume is one question. The second is how you get the costume on the cat. It’s a cat after all. They’re known for their personality after all.


And if that wasn’t enough look at this chick and how he behaves.

New unfollow out

unfollowTwitter is a dynamic and social conversation tool which ignores borders, timezones and continents. The more time you give to the website the more you get out of it. As more and more people join the site so following passive people makes less and less sense.

Yesterday I downloaded justunfollow out of curiosity and today they come out with updated iOS and Android apps.