On Learning to Mark Unfinished Books as Read

On Learning to Mark Unfinished Books as Read

Over the last three or four days I have marked two books as finished despite not finishing for a simple reason. I have plenty of books on Kindle, Audible and Kobo that I need to read, but that to read all these books, would take time. I started to read one book and I stopped within pages, every time for the same reason.

In today’s context my disgust with one book is rational. For decades the web and social media have been treated as addictions, and because they have been stigmatised and seen as illnesses it becomes morally acceptable to abuse users. Look at Meta Facebook and Meta Instagram, and how they are being discussed in the news. The attitude, that social media is a drug enabled marketers, and social media owners to abuse of their addicted users, because they’re addicts, and it is their fault for becoming addicted.

That book that was written years in the past, illustrates why I was bothered by the framing of the discussion at the time, and we see the repercussions of that attitude a decade on. Words, and attitudes, matter. Social media should be treated as a means of communicating like any other. Genuine interactions between people should be encouraged. Instead the opposite is true. Four years ago I was using my real name, and meeting people in person, from social media. Today I am anonymous, because I do not trust the social media landscape that has resulted from being given over to marketers, algorithms, and groups that manufacture consent.

And now to the second book. The second book I gave up on is about someone thru hiking during the pandemic last year, and for the first few chapters I found the book, mediocre, but I continued reading it. I stopped reading it when I saw the political bias.

What I wanted, when I started reading a book about hiking during a pandemic, was to read about how the person gathered what information they could, about the virus, from reliable, not opinionated sources, for example the World Health Organisation, medical groups and more. I would have found it interesting if the person had discussed masks, doubts about continuing and striving to find reliable information.

The Beauty of Kindle Unlimited, Audible and Libraries

If we had to read and finish every book we borrowed or bought then we would be paralised by fear, and we may start reading a book, dislike it, and give up on reading forever. Thanks to libraries. Kindle Unlimited and Audible we can take as many books as we want, within reasonable limits, begin to read, and when our interests shift, start reading something else, and then something else.

We see television, film, music and other pursuits as though we can consume several programs a day. The same is true of podcasts. For some reason we live under the illusion that we must read one book at a time, but that is a false assumption. Look at schools at universities. We do not study one topic at a time. We study several in paralel. The same should be true of how we read.

We should start reading a book about topic a, and after a while start reading about topic b, before continuing with topic E. Books can, and should be read in paralel because by reading books in paralel the knowledge we gain from one book complements the knowledge we gain from another book.

I find that when I read fiction I can read through books at a quick pace, but that when I read factual books I sometimes need to read them over a period of months, or even years. They are filled with information, and sometimes that information is digestible in small parts, rather than all at once. If we read the entire book at once, we will remember less, than over time.

Now back to the core. When I lived in London I used to love spending hours in Waterstone’s looking at the bookshelves and I dreamt of having thousands of francs/pounds to spend on books but I didn’t. In university I used to love going to the library and pick up documentaries, and books, and watch them, or skim through the books. To buy every book that peaks our curiousity is expensive, so we feel that we should read and finish every book. If we can walk from village to village, and look for books that wake our curiousity, then that is great. If we were not in the middle of a pandemic then I would have picked up and started reading those books immediately, but as we can’t be as relaxed about handling books I prefer to read them on a sittee, than in bed.

If I had known about all these lending libraries then I would have taken books and dropped them off, years ago. I intend to put these books back in circulation. I could read them, take notes, and write blog posts about them, and conclude with where I dropped off the book, for the next reader.

In Borex they have something like that. Fnac, and the Borex lending library have “coup de coeur”, where people can leave a note about why they loved a book, and why others should read it. I could review books that I acquire via lending libraries.

It would benefit writers, readers and villages, with an afflux of “book tourists.” 😉

Getting Home Before The Sun Sets and Pikmin Bloom

Getting Home Before The Sun Sets and Pikmin Bloom

At this time of year there is a race between the walker and the sun. Either you must go for a walk earlier in the day or you must be ready to walk after the sun has set. Both of these are possible. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting lower. They are getting low enough for gloves to be tempting. I haven’t worn them yesterday, or today, but yesterday I almost felt the need.

One aspect of Autumn walks is that we walk at the golden hour, so the light is good for pictures, if you are equipped to walk, once the sun has set. I was not, so I continued walking, hoping to get home before it was too dark to see. I did, easily.

Pikmin Bloom is simple. It is an app/game that uses your steps to decide how many flowers you have planted in the AR world. As you go for your daily walk you plant flowers, and as you plant flowers, and as you take steps, you also gestate flowers in pots.

The game is made by Niantic Labs, makers of Ingress, a great game, and Pokemon Go, a game for compulsive OCD people. Can you tell which one I prefer. So far the biggest flaw i see with Pikmin bloom is that it does not count all your steps. It only counts those that are taken as the app is open, or a certain mode is engaged, and that is a shame. With Ingress I would easily have the 2500 kilometre badge, if only it counted all walking, rather than just the walking you do with the app open.

We are not all going for walks, just to play AR games. Some us go for a walk to go for a walk, and if we’re in the mood we may spend a few minutes playing Ingress or other Niantic games. I dislike Pokemon Go because of the random rejection when you try to catch Pokemon Go creatures. It feels too time demanding, to be worth investing in.

I will spend more time playing with Pikmin Bloom. The name is hard to remember. We will see how long I last.

Walking Without Masks During a Pandemic

Walking Without Masks During a Pandemic

For many people walking without masks during a pandemic is normal. This is confusing. We have known for months, or even seasons that the virus is airborne and that masks are a simple way to keep safe. Despite this people walk by the seaside without masks. It’s not just that they walk without wearing masks, but that they do not seem to be visible.

I can’t imagine walking without a mask. Even when I’m walking across fields with little chance of crossing paths with people my mask is at hand, ready to be worn. I actually go out of my way not to walk within two meters of people, especially people without masks. I always have a mask with me, and recently I started to favour an FFP2 mask, over ffp1 masks, because I feel safer. I am still likely to wear masks whenever I am within four meters of people.

It takes one second to put on a mask, and to remove it. Today I wore it while walking about eight kilometres. It doesn’t bother me to walk with a mask. It is progress, for me to be within towns and cities, during this pandemic. I prefer the countryside, empty roads, empty agriculutal roads, empty trails.

View of the Mediterranean Sea
View of the Mediterranean Sea

I went for a bike ride in the evening. 30 kilometres in one and a half hours. Nothing to challenge me, but the bike couldn’t cope. It kept skipping chain links and gears. That is distracting. I reached my goal, and then returned to the start point.

Holidays Break Streaks

Holidays Break Streaks

Today is a rainy day so I have less of interest to write about. The rain fell this morning. It continued until this afternoon. Rain is an excuse not to go for a daily walk. It is an opportunity for a rest day.

Yesterday my 770 plus day streak on Duolingo was broken because I was too distracted to take a lesson. I wanted to break that streak. I didn’t want to break it intentionally. I wanted it to be by accident. I accomplished that goal. Now I am free to reset and work on creating a new routine that is better suited to the new goals. The focus will be web development, whether JSON-LD, JS, WordPress, or more.

I am currently reading Cow Pie Water. The book was written either as a series of blog posts or journal entries and transports you along their PCT hike. Many of the posts are short and to the point. If you have a blog and want to turn it into a book then use this as inspiration. Use a proofreader . It feels as if they simply cut their journal/blog from online, to e-book or book.

The advantage of writing, rather than vlogs or podcasts, is that you can read it in your own time, and with less engagement, You can read five minutes a day, but a podcast or video five minutes a day would be time consuming and ineffectice People lose focus. My reading backlog is growing.

Every so often I see that I am not the only one calling for a shift from social media back to blogging. This is positive. Blogging is chronological, and the community is smaller. Adverts, marketing and algorithms do not try brainwash you to become a tool. We reconnect as individuals. We are no longer a follower, we are individuals, especially if we are active within the groups.

Blue sky is re-emerging now.

I sat that I broke my Duolingo habit. I didn’t. I replaced it, over time, with the habit of writing a blog post every single day for months now. this is an acceptable switch.

A Walk By The Mediterranean

A Walk By The Mediterranean

We can’t all head to the mountains and the slopes that lack snow. Some of us head south to the coast. The weather is good and the air is warm enough. It is warm enough for me, not just to consider swimming but to actually do it.

A rocky outcrop

The sea is blue and green as usual with waves breaking. I saw a few orange buoys but I am unsure about whether they are for diving boats or swimmers. Usually for divers they are not so visible.

Dive sites are more stealthy.

Mediterranean Sea and vegetation

The path is clear and easy to follow

The path is clear and easy to follow. It is green and white.

Rocky outcrops

I went for a swim today. I went in an unheated pool, rather than the sea. I could go to the sea but that requires driving and organisation. Swimming in a pool doesn’t.

I don’t like getting into cold water. It tingles. I managed to swim for about ten minutes but if I put my head and brought it back up then it felt cold. I like to be warm. Swimming in cold water when I am not hot to start with, goes against my natural instincts.

I try to alternate between walking, cycling and swimming, to work different parts of the body.

In Switzerland the number of Covid sick is going up and the government is doing nothing to slow it down or stop it. It is allowing people to fall sick despite one fifth of people who fall sick developing long Covid. I am tired of the pandemic, but not enough to give up on maintaining safe habits like wearing a mask, social distancing and more. For as long as I do not fall sick with long Covid there is hope. It is worth staying Covid free, despite the social isolation it results in.

The Arches
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The Arches

If you are looking for a sport easy walk with a little scrambling, walk to the rock arches. Two holes have been eroded into the rock providing two natural arches.

You can walk up to both arches but it’s better to go on a quiet day. This place is not a good place for big groups. Children could enjoy the opportunity to see geography in action. Children should be supervised on this walk, especially along two sections of the path, and at the arch itself.

Arch context

This is the type of vegetation you will see. Some orchards, some pine trees, vineyards and more.

A backlit cobweb

When we drove there I noticed that the spider webs were backlit by the sun so I tried to capture at least one. This is a good time of day for a walk because spiders, or at least their webs, are more visible.

Flowers growing on the path

Despite the possibility of being trodden some flowers did manage to grow out of the path.

Entering Twenty One Degree Water

Entering Twenty One Degree Water

For most people over 20 degrees air temperature and twenty one degree water is okay. I struggle. I like water to be warm. I like to be warm before I go in. I like to know that when I get out I will still be warm.

Today with a little effort I managed to convince myself to swim. I didn’t swim much. I swam three hundred meters. Usually I would swim further. During the pandemic I did not swim or climb so my arms are not as strong as they were.

We have weakened during this pandemic and another wave is coming. We are about to have the fifth Swiss wave and other countries will be going through the same thing. People do not understand how pandemics work. They were never curious enough to find out.

We will see when and if I try an electric bike. At the moment I have two or three routes to experiment with. Anything that can be done alone is pandemic friendly.

The pandemic has changed what feels like a reward. I am happy just to walk, on a daily basis. I don’t feel the need to do more. What would have been rewarding pandemic does not exist today.

People say they want the pandemic to end but they do nothing to precipitate the end. They just play the victims, without considering that they are active participants. People are not assuming the responsibility they have.

Another Walk By The Mediterranean.

Another Walk By The Mediterranean.

One treat of being in Spain is that some people do wear masks when walking outdoors. You are normal for wearing a mask.

In Switzerland you are looked at as if you are eccentric or absurd. It is nice not to be looked at as a curiousity. It is nice to have the security of a mask without feeling like a freak.

A paradox of mask wearing in Spain is that it’s hot. In theory this would make it less appealing to wear a mask but it has no effect. People still want to be safe.

JSON-LD and a Walk

JSON-LD and a Walk

A conventional tech blogger would usually just write about JSON-LD and completely ignore the fact that they went on a walk. I like to combine the two. JSON-LD, short for JSON Linked Document is an agreement for certain data fields to be used for specific purposes. The idea is to standardise terms within a database to make the sharing of data easier.

When you work with databases and data it is important to define what the schema will be. A schema is like a template but with data fields. It is an agreement, or requirement to have specific data about a product, asset or other.

For example for a book you will have

  • Title
  • Author
  • Date published
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Location Published
  • Price
  • Description
  • Synopsis
  • Language and more.

A schema ensures that all fields are entered. This ensures that useful information is either A)Not forgotten and B)All entries look the same on a webpage. If you think I’m verbose look at Schema.org’s entry for book fields. By following these instructions data is interchangeable between all websites, without the need to re-map data

JSON-LD is a lightweight Linked Data format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is based on the already successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data interoperate at Web-scale. JSON-LD is an ideal data format for programming environments, REST Web services, and unstructured databases such as Apache CouchDB and MongoDB.

JSON-LD org: https://json-ld.org/

A Use Case

When I worked as a media asset manager we had to think about how to map data between a media asset management tool and a CMS. This required finding a way to map the data so that it would be compatible between databases. If done well databases can feed themselves, without the need for humans to do the tedious work of data entry, especially when thousands of data entries with dozens of fields each are involved.

On a smaller scale it means that we can create a webpage, setup a schema, add it to the top of the page, and search engines will know what the page contains, more efficiently. On WordPress it works automatically once you add the right plugin.

Experiment with JSON-LD

If you’d like to experiment with JSON-LD then you can try this site. It provides a quick way to enter data, and see the resultant JSON-LD data, which you can then paste in a web page.

The Walk

Today I saw quite a few contrails in the sky as I walked between villages. The weather is windy, but as usual the sun is out. I am going through my usual alternate route these days. It takes me through houses, rather than along the road. It is always worth updating routes, although I think that the new route might be shorter. I see that the route I took today is around 3 kilometres shorter than another. I cheated myself of an extra half hour of walking. It gives me more time to do other things.

Yet Another Sunny Day

Yet Another Sunny Day

Today I looked at two of the masks I used over summer and they are both bleached by the sun. So is my hat. I normally expect things in Spain to be sun bleached, not Switzerland. The reason is simple. First, it never ever rains, and even clouds are rare today, and second, I spend an hour and a half outdoors a day walking. Plenty of time for my things to get sun bleached.

If you’re an extrovert you could go out into the street and ask people “Is the covid virus airborne” they would probably either say that they don’t know or that it isn’t. The second introvert option is just to observe people. See how many people wear their masks as moustaches, how many of them wear them as neckerchiefs, how many people observe proper social distancing. If these methods are how you determine whether people know that COVID-19 is airborne, then the answer is “very few”.

It makes you question whether self-isolation is justified. It doesn’t seem to be, because not that many people are falling sick now. There is one detail. The point of self-isolation, and the point of eradicating a disease, is that you don’t wait for things to seem safe, to resume normal life. You wait until they are. 2200 people fell sick this weekend. That’s a lot of people. That’s 733 a day. That’s an infection rate of one person every two minutes.

We are at the trough of a wave, but there is every chance that another crest is coming, and none of the barrier gestures are in place at the moment. If the virus has an opportunity it will spread quickly between communities with current behaviours as they are.

Sunflowers And the Mont Blanc

Due to the pandemic I am still going for my daily walks in the countryside. I go along roads with less human and dog traffic. I find that if I go on routes with people out for their walks they walk side by side and make it impossible to pass them without entering their safe space. I can and do wear a mask but when you cross people once or twice in 20 minutes the mask is not justified, and you need the sunshine. I walk in the countryside. If I was in town the mask would either be on, or I’d be keeping three or four meters between myself and others.

I might be eccentric, but the pandemic is over one and a half years old, so I have had time for pandemic habits to become automatic.

I had to stop walking at two moments during this walk. Tractors had to turn around. To do so they had to drive over the road I was about to walk on. I prefer not to have a tractor with seeding equipment too close to me. It is interesting to watch them as they work different fields, with different tools, at different times of the year. Daily, I see what they’re up to.