Exploration on Foot

Exploration on Foot

Reading Time: 2 minutes Walking is an easy activity. You put your shoes on, and you go for a walk. Sometimes you walk from home. Other times you walk from a car park. Sometimes you walk along rivers that are full, and others you walk along streams that are almost dry. A few years ago I did the same…

Cycling In The Rain

Cycling In The Rain

Reading Time: 2 minutes By some fluke I have now gone for two bike rides in the rain. The first time I rode in the rain my hands got cold and I had to warm myself up again. Yestrday I went for. a bike ride again, expecting the weather to stay good. It drizzled almost non-stop. As a result…

A Bike Ride In The Rain

A Bike Ride In The Rain

Reading Time: 2 minutes My fingers went numb with cold during today’s bike ride. I saw that there was a chance of rain but I went anyway. I went for a simple reason. Some people in an apartment next door were banging on walls, and the noise is unpleasant. The noise is so unpleasant that the idea of cycling…