Day 32 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A Single Tab Open

Day 32 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A Single Tab Open

Reading Time: 3 minutes I have a single tab open in Chrome at the moment, my main browser. This window, to write this blog post. We are now in Day 32 of self-isolation and I’m keeping myself distracted through blogging, making webpages mobile friendly and more. I’m also limiting the time I spend on news websites, social media and…

Day Thirty-One of ORCA in Switzerland — Plenty of Dust

Day Thirty-One of ORCA in Switzerland — Plenty of Dust

Reading Time: 2 minutes You build up plenty of dust as you plow the fields at the moment. The drought continues, as does the desire for this pandemic to be over. For now, the downward trend continues so we could feel optimistic. I’m still optimistic than in two or three weeks recycling centres will go back to normal. At…

Day Thirty of ORCA in Switzerland — A Strong Desire to Go Hiking.

Day Thirty of ORCA in Switzerland — A Strong Desire to Go Hiking.

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have a strong desire to go hiking. I would like to go on a hiking excursion that lasts for a few days. In theory I could do the Via Alpina route one starting in Nyon and ending in Lichtenstein. It’s a 21 step hike going north. I had lunch watching one and a half…

Day Twenty-seven of ORCA in Switzerland – River Walking
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Day Twenty-seven of ORCA in Switzerland – River Walking

Reading Time: 2 minutes My shoes are wet and my socks are wet because today I tried river walking. If a child was to do the same it would be called immature and irrational but when an adult does it then it’s adventure, and trying something new. My motivation to river walk came from the pandemic, or more precisely…

Day Twenty-Three of ORCA in Switzerland – The Chernobyl Fire

Day Twenty-Three of ORCA in Switzerland – The Chernobyl Fire

Reading Time: 2 minutes In normal times a forest fire in the Chernobyl exlusion zone would attract attention and environmentalists would actively speak about it. The world would pay attention. Due to the pandemic the news story is low on the agenda. I mentioned that a coffee shop and a pet shop had reopened on Monday and this morning…

Day Twenty-Two of ORCA in Switzerland – The Company of Cats

Day Twenty-Two of ORCA in Switzerland – The Company of Cats

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today during my walk this afternoon I surprised a cat on some stairs and I moved patiently. It brushed up against me so I started to stroke it. During this pandemic the only living things I have had physical contact with are cats. During a pandemic, if you’re not living with people, you are very…