Happiness and Social Media
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Happiness and Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is the turn of the Washington Post to discuss whether people are happier after leaving social media. As with every other article I have skimmed on the topic it discusses addiction and more without discussing the reason for which social media might be bad for one’s mental health.  Remember that social networks, discussion groups,…

On Theory of Knowledge, History and Media Studies

On Theory of Knowledge, History and Media Studies

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Goal of the BBC is to Inform, educate and entertain. The aim of Public Service Broadcasters is to provide people with reliable, accurate information that is not biased, that is neutral, in so far as is possible. Recently with the Far Right getting into positions of power, to control the Radio Television Suisse, the…

On Friends, The Series, Being Offensive
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On Friends, The Series, Being Offensive

Reading Time: 2 minutes Friends is a television series that aired in the 90s and that still makes millions today, as the show is re-aired. Jennifer Anniston, Rachel Green in the series, says that people today find the series offensive today. I find it ironic, that in a day and age where books are edited to be more politically…

Thoughts On Decentralised Social Media
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Thoughts On Decentralised Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes The web was decentralised for a long time. The internet and social networks were designed around different niches. We had niches for people that did sports in the same area of Switzerland, that wanted to discuss a variety of topics, for music lovers and more. The change brought on by MySpace, Twitter, ICQ, Facebook and…

The Immature Coming of Age of Social Media
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The Immature Coming of Age of Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes Around a decade and a half ago I grew tired of seeing blog headlines that said “The top ten blah blah”, “Three signs that …” and more. It grew tiring to see all those headlines, to a point where it generated the term clickbait. The idea of a headline being written to attract people to…

Why I Won’t Pay 20 USD Per Month For Twitter and FaceBook

Why I Won’t Pay 20 USD Per Month For Twitter and FaceBook

Reading Time: 2 minutes In 2006-2007 I would have payed for Twitter and/or facebook, but not now. Both of them say “pay, to prove that you’re a human being”. For as long as I have been on Facebook I have used my real name. I authenticated myself by using my university e-mail address. Back then you need an educational…

Twitter and SMS

Twitter and SMS

Reading Time: 2 minutes Back in the good old days of Twitter the length of a tweet was limited to the length of an SMS. The aim was to make it possible for people to tweet and have conversations using GSM phones. With short messages we could leave the keyboard behind and read messages on our mobile phones. Jaiku…

The Free Twitter API Ends and The Twitter Silo Begins

Reading Time: 3 minutes Social networks and social networks are based on people connecting with other people. Twitter is a glorified chatroom masquerading as a microblogging platform. As twitter shifts from being free, to being paying, it is losing it’s appeal. Fifteen years ago there was plenty of discussion about Social Media silos and the social graph, and discussion…

Twitter’s Not For Me
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Twitter’s Not For Me

Reading Time: 2 minutes Twitter has a new For You page inspired by TikTok’s For you page according to Quartz. Many years ago we had Seesmic, a video chat community where people could share video messages 24 hours a day. We even experimented with recording videos and sharing them by phone when this was still novel. Tik Tok has…