Day 45 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – The Need For Outdoor Exercise.

Day 45 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – The Need For Outdoor Exercise.

Reading Time: 2 minutes This aftrnoon reminded me of the need for outdoor exercise. I was feeling lazy and unmotivated to go outdoors. I thought that the rain would come back during my walk, as it did during my scooter ride, and as it did yesterday. I checked the weather app and I saw that we should have good…

Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I was caught outdoors during a thunderstorm but rather than run to shelter or rush home I continued taking a timelapse video of some flowers. According to the apps we were meant to get some rain at 1800 so I expected it to be short lived. This didn’t stop my clothes or my bag…