This aftrnoon reminded me of the need for outdoor exercise. I was feeling lazy and unmotivated to go outdoors. I thought that the rain would come back during my walk, as it did during my scooter ride, and as it did yesterday. I checked the weather app and I saw that we should have good weather until tomorrow so I took advantage to go for my walk.
This time I was light. I went with my AirPods, my phone, and money just in case. I walked the usual route but this time I think I saw farmers and their child, and plenty of people on bikes. It would be interesting to see how important a role physical exercise played in Switzerland managing to flatten the curve for now. With so much sunshine and exercise you’d expect the Swiss to be primed for coping with such a virus.
@richardazia ##cats ##catnap ##lazy ##afternoon
? Summer Days – Martin Garrix / Macklemore / Patrick Stump
I feel that I’m spending too much time on Tik Tok at the moment but there’s a benefit. As I work in video it’s good to see what type of content is shared on Tik Tok, to get ideas and inspiration for future projects. Another benefit is that for the most part, it’s a positive network, from what I’ve seen so far. If you like cats then you should watch the video above.
@richardazia ##medevac ##helicopter ##nyon ##hug
? In The End – Mellen Gi Remix – Tommee Profitt
If you post 16:9 videos to Tik Tok they will play properly on a desktop or laptop but will be letterboxed on mobile phones. The app does not switch to horizontal on mobile phones which is a feature that should exist as it exists for the desktop version.
It’s so easy to be submerged in negativity that videos on Tik Tok can lift us up and make us feel better during this time of solitary confinement. Videos that I would never have watched in normal times have become useful today.
@priscillasmithlee GenZ helping his old Millennial cousin out ?? ##80sdance
? Blinding Lights – The Weeknd
Sheldon’t lines of questioning seem appropriate at the moment.
@priscillasmithlee Sneezing ? is a crime these days. We’re almost there ##lipsync
? original sound – scottishdevil13
Dancing in pyjamas.
@claudiadisalvo9 La quarantena spiegata in un video ! ? ##sockschallenge ##sockschange ##colours ##likethis ##pigiama ##quarantine
? Maniac (Flashdance Version) (Re-Recorded / Remastered) – Michael Sembello
Life in quarantine.
@stergiosmigkas Stay at home they said ##quarantine ##coronavirus ##fyp ##funny ##tiktok ##switzerland ##zurich ##saturdaynight ##foryou ##foryoupage ##party ?
? original sound – memes
And now for a video I wish I had thought of doing.
@lucy8988 ##fürdich ##fyp ##foryou ##flowers ##blumen ##çiçek ##somelikeyou
? #Me at the concert – #someonelikeyou
Colza fields were denuded of their yellow flowers by the rain yesterday so they are now green.

That’s it for today, See you tomorrow.
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