Tag: classicpress

  • A Pi5, WordPress and ClasssicPress

    A Pi5, WordPress and ClasssicPress

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last night I started to install wordpress on the Pi5 and I got it to work. I then started to install ClassicPress via the ClassicPress switchtoclassicpress plugin and got blocked. I was blocked because in order for WordPress to update plugins, themes and wordpress it needs to have access to itself…

  • The iOS Astronomy Wallpaper and Seasons

    The iOS Astronomy Wallpaper and Seasons

    Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’re wondering why one of the tags in my post is “Day 388” it’s because I shifted from WordPress to ClassicPress once again. In so doing I lost access to Akismet and Jetpack. By losing Akismet I lose comment spam filtering. I also lost access to the Jetpack app so…

  • More Experimenting with ClassicPress

    More Experimenting with ClassicPress

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Although I didn’t achieve what I set out to achieve I have been experimenting with ClassicPress and the Fediverse, but rather than do it from my main blog I have decided to experiment within a subdomain and so far I have achieved much. I see that activitypub and webfinger can be…

  • ClassicPress and the Fediverse – Not Quite Ready

    ClassicPress and the Fediverse – Not Quite Ready

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I experimented with migrating my blog from WordPress to ClassicPress to see whether ClassicPress plays nicely with the fediverse. It does but there is room for improvement. If you want instructions on how to migrate from wordpress you can find the instructions here. Summarised, you download the switch to ClassicPress…

  • What Do The Logs Show

    What Do The Logs Show

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Joke: I was on the phone with tech support when I walked by these and I was asked “What do the logs show?” I had a double take before I understood he meant the web logs and other server logs. I then continued walking I am getting somewhere with my…