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Black Mirror – A television series

Reading Time: 2 minutes Black Mirror – a television series Black Mirror is a television series that was broadcast by Channel 4 a few years ago and made available to Netflix audiences recently. The series explores a variety of topics and issues to do with technology from death to crime and existentialism. It also explores themes like family and…

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A satirical look at music festivals as a form of psychological torture

Reading Time: 5 minutes When we’re 14-28 years old the idea of going to a music festival to see the artists we spend our free time listening to is fantastic. Imagine all that drinking, that mud, that food, those opportunities to seduce and best of all that ambiance. The prospect of going to a music festival is so appealing…

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A Nonverbal Autism Video Interview

Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw Horyou share a link to Speechless with Carly Fleischmann. This is a Nonverbal Autism Video Interview carried out via typed words on a tablet.  The text is read out electronically. The interview is warm and convivial. It stands out because it does not use a fast talking or energetic host. The interviewer does not talk, in the…

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Sharkwater – a documentary worth watching

Reading Time: < 1 minute Sharkwater – A documentary worth watching. If you have one and a half hours of free time I recommend watching this documentary. It discusses the anti-whaling work by the Sea Shepherd, the work it did to combat long lining around the Galapagos and it touches on the shark finning mafia and corruption. The documentary also…

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Thoughts on the New York Times Article about Project Aristotle and its findings

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I read this article I can’t stop thinking of the Prototyping sessions at Lift 2016. Teams from big corporations worked together to collaborate on exploring new ideas and developing new projects. Some had to work on a video, others had to work on models. Others had to create 2d representations. One set of tables…

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Lensational – Empowering Women through Photography.

Reading Time: < 1 minute From Friday to Sunday this week SIGEF2015 took place at the Batiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva Switzerland. This event was organised by Horyou, a social network for social good, where people were connecting and networking, discussing how best to help people with various projects around the world. Living in the Western World we hear…


Childhood and environmental conscience in Switzerland

Reading Time: 2 minutes I attended the Green Cross International event in Geneva and took pages and pages of notes. There was a lot of information and a focus to provide COP21 in Paris with a message from Geneva, Humanitarian city to Paris and the leaders present for that conference. Dr. Somthai Wongcharoen – Founder, Wongpanit Group of Companies…