A Run And A Walk

A Run And A Walk

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am going for a run and a walk three times a week at the moment. The run is set by the Garmin Coach and the walk is set by the route I have chosen to use on that specific day. By running the first part of my daily walk I increase my fitness, according…

Mud and Walking

Mud and Walking

Reading Time: 4 minutes I go for walks, runs or bike rides every single day, whether it’s rainy, windy, snowy or a heatwave. As a result of this I often walk along routes where mud forms. Sometimes I come home from walks and my shoes are spotless, thanks either to a drought, or paradoxically due to the rain. Recently…

A Snowy Day

A Snowy Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday we had a snowy day. I saw that the snow was beginning to pile up so I went and cleared the snow for fun. I could have left it as it was but I saw an opportunity to have some weight training, for free. I regret that I didn’t set a fitness tracker to…