View of orange/yellow cliffs with the Mediterranean sea behind

Views of the Mediterranean

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With global warming the idea that we would get white Christmas, with snow, freezing weather and more is outdated. In the 21st century the opposite is true. We will probably get grey and rainy weather instead. If we stay in Switzerland. I used to love the idea of snowy Christmas, snowboarding and skiing but I don’t like the modern global warming version, of a boring cold, with no snow.

That’s why it makes sense to migrate south, for a week or two and see the sun. It’s not that I miss the sun, after all I see it all the time in Switzerland due to the drought that has now lasted several years. I like rain. I would prefer to be in rainy Switzerland than in the sun. Pandemic solitude has made me long for bad weather and rain, because good weather, when you’re walking around in circles doesn’t matter.

Purple mediterranean flower
Purple Mediterranean flower

I thought that today would be the day when I reached the 300,000 steps in a month for the last time this year landmark but I didn’t because I forgot my Garmin Instinct watch in my pocket, in a coat that I forgot at home. I missed the target by 1450 steps. In theory I can get that step count this afternoon by walking around in circles but I don’t want to.

According to the casio The Casio GBD-200-1I took 17,000 steps so I reached over the daily goal and the monthly goal, but on the wrong database, so it doesn’t count towards the right “medal”/”reward”.

A kayak on a flat sea
A kayak on a flat sea

It would be nice to kayak on the sea. This one was going as fast as I walk. I had to increase my pace to keep up with it. This kayaker must regularly kayak.

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