2018 Nanowrimo attempt

2018 Nanowrimo attempt

Reading Time: 2 minutes As an introvert, I have a tendency to listen and daydream rather than talk. It is for this reason that the Nanowrimo challenge is an interesting one. It encourages me to be verbose, to use more words than I would usually use. It also forces me to find 1667 words of inspiration on a daily…

Finding time for Long-Form Writing and Other Pursuits.

Finding time for Long-Form Writing and Other Pursuits.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finding time for Long Form Writing This morning I read twenty percent of a book whilst sitting in the car waiting for shops to open. In the process I occasionally looked up to see private jets and airlines fly over me. A few years ago in the same situation I would have been staring at…

A Writer Can Expect To Revise His Work Over A Hundred Times

Reading Time: 2 minutes Those words were magic, a writer can expect to review his work over a hundred times. That so many times. Can you imagine going through something one hundred times? By the end, you’re going to go mad. Actually, when I’m working on video it’s not unusual for me to watch the same five minutes 20-30…