Tag: studies

  • It’s been a twelve hour day of editing

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve spent around twelve hours editing today and it’s finally getting to resemble something, as I’d like it to be. It’s involved two days of video capture of a variety of material from a number of events around Europe in particular. It’s starting to be a good edit. Any creative…

  • Enjoy the stairs

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Myspace was used to advertise a pyjama house party and I went for a number of hours. It’s amusing when you’re at a party in your pyjamas. It makes a change from all those fancy dress and I began wondering about the walk of shame and whether wearing pyjamas on…

  • Back in London

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m back in the northwest of London waiting for Monday to come when I can fall asleep in the first lecture of the week… In reality that’s probably not going to happen. Instead, it’s going to be the final three modules before the course is over. It’s going to be…

  • Happy New Year

    Reading Time: < 1 minute yet another year, the final one of university with luck. The one where I find work. It was a calm celebration, nothing more than watching television whilst watching television.

  • The hardest I’ve ever worked

    Reading Time: < 1 minute That’s the hardest I’ve ever worked. starting the day at ten and continuing on till 2 am on an early night and four am last night. I spent 17 hours working on projects and now I’m exhausted. in the morning I had to finish the documentary, then have a meeting…

  • A sunday morning

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s Sunday morning and yesterday was another day of shooting and editing. As a result of that, the documentary has progressed a little more. One or two more segments have been added, graphics have been improved and the project as a whole looks good. There’s still a lot of work…

  • Third Day of Editing And More Relaxed

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s the third day of editing and the pressure has been relieved. I’ve captured the footage and edited most of the multicamera show. It wasn’t as bad as I thought therefore there were only a few small things to change. As I’m under time pressure I’m glad there’s less to…

  • On being directed

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Being directed is often a good thing. It helps you achieve the tasks you are meant to achieve within a certain amount of time. Other times it helps you learn something useful. In occasional cases, though direction is one of the most frustrating things in the world. I have spent…

  • Tomorrow the multicam starts

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today’s been a long day, beginning at 9 with lectures and finishing at 1800 with tape logging and transcribing. It passed through some studio work, laying the floor, and such. Tomorrow we start at 9am and continue till night in order to get all our shots finished with. We’ll get…

  • La Grande Illusion des Quatre Cents Coups

    Reading Time: < 1 minute C’est deux films que je vient de regarder. I’m watching a lot of DVDs at the moment. I have neither television nor a fast connection, therefore, I take advantage to study the cinema. It’s a good way of spending time, of being transported into other timezones, towards other cities I…