To First Year Students

Reading Time: < 1 minute I urgently recommend that you challenge the election results in relation to Salima. She won by only 25 votes and there are a few people saying that they would have voted differently had they known what the fliers contained before they voted. The fact that someone failed their first year, only to become SU president…


Before waking up

Reading Time: < 1 minute Before waking up I found myself catching a plane to an airport before catching a small private plane to somewhere in the mountains where I went skiing. I was going home but for some reason I was late. I was telling myself that I had to get back to one place to get my luggage…


An ode to lost votes

Reading Time: < 1 minute One girl lost my vote a year ago when not turning up to a live interview she was meant to attend, deciding an hour before to cancel Another lost my vote for not having the strength of character to campaign for herself through a medium like facebook or Myspace. One lost my vote for her…

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All that is left from three years is one essay and one dissertation

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I handed in my penultimate essay. There are two main assignments remaining. the first of these is a tech case study which should be fun to do. I already have an idea of a topic that I know fairly well. with the second it’s the dissertation and I should really spend a few hours…


Waking up to heavy metal

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is nothing more aggressive or stressful than being woken up by heavy metal. There is nothing but some idiot yelling into a microphone and other idiots calling it music. It’s not music so much as noise to me. I’d prefer to be woken to the sound of seagulls or the waves than music created…