Tag: AI

  • Apple Intel Macs and FireWire

    Apple Intel Macs and FireWire

    Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you bought a Mac Book Pro in 2007 or so you could get it with firewire 800, Thunderbolt 1 and a number of other connectors. A few years later they did away with every connector except USB-C, for charging and devices. The result was a thin laptop that needed dongles, and…

  • A quick play with the AI Kit by Raspberry Pi

    A quick play with the AI Kit by Raspberry Pi

    Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday afternoon as I set off for my walk I noticed that the Pi AI Kit was in my post box. I moved it to the locked compartment and then went for my walk. After the walk I took the time to set it up and it went well. ## Easy Assembly…

  • Apple Intelligence and the Digital Divide

    Apple Intelligence and the Digital Divide

    Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night I attempted to watch the WWDC conference and failed. This wasn’t a technical issue. The issue was a cultural one. I find the show to be too kitschy for me. From the pretending to leap out of a plane to the tone of their conversation, it’s just unwatchable for me, with…

  • Feeding AI via Communities

    Feeding AI via Communities

    Reading Time: 2 minutesEverything we do is being used to feed AI models. From the way we write our blog posts, to the pictures we take, and even the way we talk to each other. Everything is being hoovered up, and being turned into a model.  The result of this is that if we share…

  • YouTube and AI

    YouTube and AI

    Reading Time: 3 minutesAccording to a recent article YouTube will use AI to direct the content that people make, how it looks how it sounds and more. In so doing YouTube will be even less interesting. AI tools will also begin informing what kind of content creators make. A new AI feature in YouTube Studio…

  • AI, Film, and Social Media

    AI, Film, and Social Media

    Reading Time: 4 minutesI like to experiment with Bard and chatGPT. I like to see what their limits are, but with time and effort I like to get beyond their limits and get them to do what I want, without failing too often. DJI and other brands have had self-editing options for years now, so…

  • Conversing With Google Bard

    Conversing With Google Bard

    Reading Time: 4 minutesTwo days ago I was given access to Google Bard and since then I have been experimenting. The key feature that sets Google Bard apart from ChatGPT is that it can answer questions about what is happening at the moment, rather than before September 2021. By being current you can ask it…

  • Disinformation and Education – Social Media and AI

    Disinformation and Education – Social Media and AI

    Reading Time: 4 minutesDisinformation and misinformation work for a very simple reason. People who did not study history, and do not follow current affairs do not have the background information to spot what is true from what is untrue. They are unable to use history’s lessons to see the warning signs and act accordingly. Algorithms…

  • Personal AI – Your Personal Language Model

    Personal AI – Your Personal Language Model

    Reading Time: 3 minutesYesterday chatGPT was down, yet again, so I browsed through the web looking for other Large Language Models to experiment with. In the process I came across personal AI. Personal AI is an app, at the moment, that runs on your laptop, but will eventually come to mobile phones and more. The…

  • My AI Teacher

    My AI Teacher

    Reading Time: 4 minutesToday I want to discuss something different. I want to discuss using AI as a teacher, rather than as a tool to replace us. For a few days I have been playing with the Instagram json file that I got when I requested my archive. With this json file I thought about…