Objectified – A Design Documentary Split Into Individual Interviews.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Objectified is a documentary about industrial design that has been divided into interviews with individuals about a diversity of designs, from the casing of the Mac Book Pro to chairs, a CD player that behaves like a fan and much more. On Linkedin, this documentary has been cut up and split into chapters so that…


Suunto and Wear OS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Suunto and Wear OS is a cultural shame. I like Suunto because it’s a European company with a European OS developed in Europe. It’s nice to buy their products because they’re reliable and hardly ever let me down. They’re also great because it’s European tech developers working together to create something interesting and reliable. It’s…

Playing with a Roomba

Reading Time: 2 minutes While I was cat sitting I spent time playing with a Roomba. Most people set the roomba, and let it clean. I don’t. I watch it and I observe how it works, how it goes from place to place and how it navigates, and gets trapped, and procrastinates in one corner or part of an…

Infomaniak K Drive, Swisscom Mycloud, Apple Icloud and Google Drive

Infomaniak K Drive, Swisscom Mycloud, Apple Icloud and Google Drive

Reading Time: 5 minutes Over the last two days, I have been playing with Infomaniak K Drive, Swisscom MyCloud, Apple iCloud and Google Drive. I settled for Swisscom Mycloud because backing up pictures is free with my current contract and it’s cheaper than two terabytes with Apple iCloud. It’s free. Infomaniak K drive is interesting because you can back…

Avoiding User Generated Content With Adverts

Avoiding User Generated Content With Adverts

Reading Time: 2 minutes Instagram has become user-generated content with adverts every fifth post. We went from following friends and their life to following personalities within our field of passions. I follow climbers, photographers, and friends. By following strangers, the timeline has become less relevant. This is especially true about following influencers. Influencers don’t share their life. They share…

13 Minutes to the Moon

Reading Time: < 1 minute 13 Minutes to the Moon is an interesting podcast dedicated to the Lunar Landings. This podcast, along with audiobooks, is interesting because they allow us not just to read the dialogues that took place but to hear what the controllers and astronauts heard. At one point in Episode two, you hear two communications loops at…