The Foggiest Idea

The Foggiest Idea

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Foggiest idea, or a pun, after a walk this morning through Geneva on a foggy day. “The Jet D’eau will be off”, I thought. It was pumping out water at its usual rate but you’d find it hard to see. The grey/white fog, along with the white water, converged and became one. On a…

Arrest – Screened at the Black Movie film Festival

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday I went to see Arrest – screened at the Black Movie film festival. It’s an independent film festival taking place in Geneva at the moment. I’m a volunteer at the event and in exchange for standing at the door and checking tickets, I get to see any film that still has space. The provisional…

A Windy Day In Geneva

A Windy Day In Geneva

Reading Time: < 1 minute They announced that it would be windy today and it is. Windy days are fun because the lake goes from blue or green to English Breakfast tea brown. The waves crash against the walls and spray the promenade that goes from the Pont Du Mont Blanc to the Jardin Anglais. For now it’s getting things…

A Frosty Morning

A Frosty Morning

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday we had rain and with that rain came a night cold enough for everything to be covered in ice. As I came out of the train station in Nyon I could feel my feet slip frequently. In the process walking was treacherous for those who are not experienced with the pleasure of walking on…