On twestival

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The first tweetup I went to saw a crowd of no more than sixty people. The twestival had many more. Enough to fill the Doon club. So many new faces but not many new people to follow. It’s fun to see how big the London twitter community has become.

The usual people were there, sizemore, loudmouthman, documentally, danacea weaverluke and a few new faces like digitalmaverick, amandita, Poppyd and a few more people. Some video was shot of the event but I’m not sure by when they’ll go up. There was no wifi so no opportunity to do some live streaming.

At the same time I’m thinking it’s time for a plurk up of the same scale, since for the moment there are so few people.

Now it’s time for Tuttle.



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6 responses to “On twestival”

  1. PoppyD avatar

    It was lovely last night, I’m surprised your up and logging so early today though…you had quite a bit to drink 😉

    Maybe Trafalgar Square has that effect on you!

  2. richard avatar

    i always wake up early after a good night out. Enjoying the fresh air today :-). What time did you end up leaving last night?

  3. PoppyD avatar

    Well it all ended in tears for me actually as I was locked out of the flat and was pretty stranded til my boyfriend actually woke up and let me in…about 2am. It was a nightmare!

  4. richard avatar

    heh, at least it wasn’t such a cold night. Luckily that doesn’t happen too much.

  5. richard avatar

    For the moment plurk ups don’t exist, probably won’t until there are enough users for a meetup of plurk users to take place.

    As to the tuttle that’s a meeting of social media people in London, Brighton or birmingham. It’s a good event to go to if you’re looking for conversation, business opportunities and more.

    It’s a bit like social media cafe but for Europe.

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