On The Desire To Change Career
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On The Desire To Change Career

Reading Time: 3 minutes If I had been smart I would have changed career path around 2006-2007 when I was in London surrounded by entrepreneurs and web developers, rather than now during a pandemic. Normally I struggle to find new contracts because of two things. The first is that for camera and editing work there are very few opportunities…

Switching From MySQL to MariaDB with Infomaniak

Switching From MySQL to MariaDB with Infomaniak

Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I tried Switching from MySQL to MariaDB with Infomaniak as a webhost. This morning they sent an e-mail to say that we could switch from MySQL to MariaDB automatically so I tried. For the test I: downloaded a new install of wordpress to my local machine and put it in the MAMP htdocs folder…

WordPress Child Themes

WordPress Child Themes

Reading Time: < 1 minute For a while, I have been thinking about creating my own WordPress themes, but I didn’t know where to start or how many hours it would take. I always assumed that it would take many hours and that I would have to create templates, style sheets and more for a number of pages. In reality,…


Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I got round to installing friendconnect on this blog. This means that everyone that has a gmail account can log in and become part of the community sprouting from this blog. You can also comment about things in general now. There’s a new layout now, as a result information is easier to find and…

I was incomplete

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday I talked about feeds not being incomplete and how it was a shame that we could not read the article unless we had a connection to the sites in question. Desertrose0601 on twitter pointed out in a blog comment that I was guilty of  the same thing that I was commenting on. That has…

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Twittervox now has a facebook page

Reading Time: < 1 minute Twittervox, a show which I do under the name Warzabidul with the help of Loudmouthman of Loudmouthman.com now has a facebook page which I created earlier in the day. The point of this facebook is to bring together all those that have participated in the show so that they may discuss past and future program…

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Wikipedia Reaches 2 Million Articles

Reading Time: 5 minutes A recent article has brought to the world’s attention that Wikipedia has over 2 million articles on its website and that’s great. What it means is that thousands of people have taken a little time out of their day to provide what knowledge they had to a global audience through their small contribution. The World…