Tag: twitter

  • The Never Ending Troll and Flame Wars

    The Never Ending Troll and Flame Wars

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Almost every day, whether on Facebook open groups, or Fediverse instances I post something, and someone feels the urge to say “You’re wrong” and if I answe a stream of trolls and flamers will pile in. Yesterday someone asked “How do I do A on site B” and I gave two links…

  • Who Killed Twitter – My Opinion

    Who Killed Twitter – My Opinion

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Two authors wrote books. In these books they speak about whether Jack Dorsey or Elon Musk killed twitter. The answer is neither. If Twitter was alive and healthy it would never have been sold to an individual for four times its value, because its growth potential would have made this absurd.…

  • Dormant Social Media Life While Sorting Through Drives

    Dormant Social Media Life While Sorting Through Drives

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Recently my Social Media Life has become dormant. I do visit Facebook every so often but I ignore Instagram, barely touch Mastodon or the fediverse, and in general have stopped looking at social media for a social life. It’s not that my life offline has become vibrant. It’s that online is…

  • Jumping On and Off Twitter

    Jumping On and Off Twitter

    Reading Time: 3 minutes There are two types of Twitter users. Those that are still using it daily, and angry with what Musk is doing, and those that quit weeks ago, and come back every now and then to see how things have changed, or stayed the same. I am surprised that to some degree…

  • Twitter X-Roads – Twitter Crossroad

    Twitter X-Roads – Twitter Crossroad

    Reading Time: 2 minutes With the change in name from Twitter to X, and with the destruction of a recognisable brand mentioned in tens of thousands of podcasts, podcasts, episodes and millions of web pages I was curious to see how Twitter was, with the new logo. It took more than 24 hours to change…

  • Luxurious Indifference – Watching Twitter Fail, as a Passerby

    Luxurious Indifference – Watching Twitter Fail, as a Passerby

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Since 2006 I have been using Twitter every single day for several hours a day, reading up to ten thousand posts per day. Every time it failed I would know about it. Weeks ago I decided to stop using Twitter, so when it fails I read about it in articles. I…

  • Social Media Silos

    Social Media Silos

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Years ago we heard that Facebook was a silo. What was meant by this term is that FaceBook would pull content into its social network and behave like a portal, without allowing people to leave. It encouraged people to see the World Wide Web as Facebook and nothing else. For a…

  • The Paradox of Instagram’s Twitter

    The Paradox of Instagram’s Twitter

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Within the last two days I saw a headline that is either amusing or tragic. The headline is that Instagram is creating a twitter clone, or even a Twitter competitor. This is amusing, or tragic, because Twitter and Facebook have always been competitors. You had the network of strangers that became…

  • Happiness and Social Media

    Happiness and Social Media

    Reading Time: 2 minutes It is the turn of the Washington Post to discuss whether people are happier after leaving social media. As with every other article I have skimmed on the topic it discusses addiction and more without discussing the reason for which social media might be bad for one’s mental health.  Remember that…

  • The Futility of Blogging

    The Futility of Blogging

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been writing blog posts every single day for one hundred and fourty five days and rather than feel more inspired, and get a big audience, I am writing for an audience of one. Some days I am filled with inspiration and I write the blog post in twenty minutes…