A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning it rained and this afternoon I fled from noise pollution. I had planned to write a blog post this morning but inspiration failed to come. I was distracted because I don’t know whether it is the USB ports on a PI 5 that have failed or if it is a drive or two…

The Nicest Pi Setup Yet

The Nicest Pi Setup Yet

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are several types of people. One of them is youtubers that try and fail until they succeed, and then there are people like me, who also try and fail until they succeed. In one case the individual probably gets millions of views, and earns enough to waste hundreds of dollars per video in microtransactions,…

PhotoPrism self-boot

PhotoPrism self-boot

Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning I made PhotoPrism self-booting. I am not certain that this is the write term so I will specify what I mean. PhotoPrism, when run via docker boots, when we tell it to boot, like any other app on our laptop. This morning, after a little time spent with AI I found the solution….

Kdrive and PhotoPrism

Kdrive and PhotoPrism

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I configured PhotoPrism to work with my iPhone photo album that was being synced to Infomaniak’s Kdrive, before then being synced to a drive that I could access via the Photoprism docker-compose config file. I then used No-ip to make that PhotoPrism instance available to the world wide web. For several years I have…

Migrating Media Assets from Google Photos to PhotoPrism

Migrating Media Assets from Google Photos to PhotoPrism

Reading Time: 5 minutes Yesterday I started the proper migration of my Google Photo assets from Google Takeout to PhotoPrism. The first step was to mount the drives to the linux system, the second was to transfer the photos from the external hard drive to the internal SD card, unzip them, and then start imposing assets. The first bottle…