Tag: editing

  • The Unedited Podcast

    The Unedited Podcast

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There was a time when I wanted to listen to hours of podcasts a day, and I did. I would listen on my walks, on my commutes to work, while driving and more. I would love listening to podcasts so much that I would wish I had more time to spend…

  • Mythbusters: A Fun Documentary Series

    Mythbusters: A Fun Documentary Series

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently Netflix Switzerland made Mythbusters available on their service. As I watched episode after episode I noticed the camaraderie between those who participate in the show. We see that Adam and Jamie occasionally argue but that overall they are having a lot of fun. We see them laugh, joke, tease each…

  • Four Reasons to be Happy

    Reading Time: 2 minutes There are four reasons to be happy today. The first of these is that my MBP is finally in Geneva therefore it is a short matter of days before I get it into my hands and start playing with the computer and the new software. The laptop will be used for…

  • It’s been a twelve hour day of editing

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve spent around twelve hours editing today and it’s finally getting to resemble something, as I’d like it to be. It’s involved two days of video capture of a variety of material from a number of events around Europe in particular. It’s starting to be a good edit. Any creative…

  • Multicamera sound

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday sound was added to the multicamera in order to add more depth and it’s almost ready. there’s a little fine-tuning left before it’s ready for release. I’m not sure about the documentary because I took a break from it last night. Two days till the deadline.

  • A sunday morning

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s Sunday morning and yesterday was another day of shooting and editing. As a result of that, the documentary has progressed a little more. One or two more segments have been added, graphics have been improved and the project as a whole looks good. There’s still a lot of work…

  • Third Day of Editing And More Relaxed

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s the third day of editing and the pressure has been relieved. I’ve captured the footage and edited most of the multicamera show. It wasn’t as bad as I thought therefore there were only a few small things to change. As I’m under time pressure I’m glad there’s less to…

  • Day two of editing

    Reading Time: < 1 minute And there we have it. Day two of editing is over and we’re up to five minutes with a script that’s ready to be fleshed out by a variety of interviews. I love editing and whilst writing this I’m beginning to look forward to tomorrow’s editing. The problem is that…

  • Day One of Editing Done

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Day one of editing has finished and I’ve spent the last two hours resting and relaxing. The editing is quite interesting. We’ve got an interview with someone who was considered as hottest single in the world two or three weeks ago. The documentary is about myspace and it’s effect on…

  • Two weeks of editing

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Two weeks of editing await me. Both projects have been logged for the most part although now it’s a matter of finding out how to unite all the raw footage, something which may take a few hours. It should be a matter of going through the material and choosing all…