Richard’s Blog, Blogging Since 1996

  • Apple Intel Macs and FireWire

    Apple Intel Macs and FireWire

    Reading Time: 3 minutes If you bought a Mac Book Pro in 2007 or so you could get it with firewire 800, Thunderbolt 1 and a number of other connectors. A few years later they did away with every connector except USB-C, for charging and devices. The result was a thin laptop that needed dongles,…

  • Pi5 4GB experiment

    Pi5 4GB experiment

    Reading Time: 3 minutes For those that are wondering whether you can use a Raspberry Pi 5 with four gigabytes of RAM as a desktop replacement the answer is “not really”. I know I should have said this at the end but I prefer to tell people immediately. ## The OS For this experiment I am…

  • Algorithms and Social Media

    Algorithms and Social Media

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I have been thinking more about trolling. I have been thinking about why, I, and others, appear so negative or toxic on social media. I believe that one reason for this is that algorithms drive conversations and popularity, rather than time devoted to social media, and conversationalism. ## Return on…

  • On Rest Days

    On Rest Days

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Doing the Via Ferrata(VF) on Sunday, and then hiking down was physical. For a start, I was doing a Via Ferrata, something that I have done once, before, within the last six or seven years. The hike down was also quite physical. Combined the VF and the hike tired me. ## 62 Hours…

  • The Pleasure of Meetups

    The Pleasure of Meetups

    Reading Time: 2 minutes On Friday I organised a Via Ferrata at the Via Ferrata du Moléson and it went well. I met new people including people that were not part of the group. The weather was cool so there was no risk of heat stroke or dehydration. What made this VF so relaxed for me,…

  • The Spontaneous Activity

    The Spontaneous Activity

    Reading Time: 2 minutes For years I did activities with people, usually not as an organiser for one very simple reason. Micro-managers. These are the people that have an opinion, and a schedule, that want to take control of a simple activity. These people take a spontaneous activity and make it a nightmare. For me…

  • The Reason We Stopped Watching TV and Listening to Radio

    The Reason We Stopped Watching TV and Listening to Radio

    Reading Time: 5 minutes There was a time decades ago, when we had a choice of five channels. TSR, TF1, Antenne 2, SRF and RSI. Over time we got more channels offered to us, and with satellite TV and cable our choice mushroomed to the point where we could watch documentary channels for a morning, and move…

  • A quick play with the AI Kit by Raspberry Pi

    A quick play with the AI Kit by Raspberry Pi

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday afternoon as I set off for my walk I noticed that the Pi AI Kit was in my post box. I moved it to the locked compartment and then went for my walk. After the walk I took the time to set it up and it went well. ## Easy…

  • Stress Testing the Ocean Drive Street E-Scooter

    Stress Testing the Ocean Drive Street E-Scooter

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Yesterday I had to drive from Nyon to Founex to do a favour for someone. Normally I would have used the car but it was in for a tire change. I was switching from winter to summer tires at last. On the way to Founex I took farm roads as much…

  • Apple Intelligence and the Digital Divide

    Apple Intelligence and the Digital Divide

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last night I attempted to watch the WWDC conference and failed. This wasn’t a technical issue. The issue was a cultural one. I find the show to be too kitschy for me. From the pretending to leap out of a plane to the tone of their conversation, it’s just unwatchable for me,…