Category: running

  • 80/20 Running into Practice

    80/20 Running into Practice

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been putting the 80/20 running rule into practice. The principal is simple. Instead of running to your max you run at a comfortable pace for most of your running instead. Instead of pushing yourself to be fast, you push yourself to have endurance. You train at a pace that…

  • The Last Thing I learned

    The Last Thing I learned

    Reading Time: 2 minutes What is the last thing you learned? I am currently learning to run five kilometres again. I’m one week away from completing the training program. This isn’t learning in the conventional sense of the word. It’s about fitness and endurance. About pacing and stamina. I have run five k in half…

  • Mischievous Shoelaces

    Mischievous Shoelaces

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I went for a run earlier than usual and had to deal with mischievous shoelaces. They decided to come undone at least three times during the first three kilometres before I finally got them to behave. I went for a run earlier than usual because rain is forecast for this…

  • Cycling and Running

    Cycling and Running

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I like cycling, hiking and climbing rather than running but I read an article that makes me think that cycling and running are incompatible. In one sport the leg becomes a spring and as you run it becomes fine tuned to reflect the energy back into forward motion whereas in cycling…

  • Running In High Winds

    Running In High Winds

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I tried running and walking in high winds. I have cycled and walked in high winds but I had not yet had the sensation of running in high wind and it is quite interesting. In cycling you feel that the wind pushes your bike to the side, and you counteract…

  • A Four Kilometre Run

    A Four Kilometre Run

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I ran four kilometres, after walking fifteen kilometres yesterday and my legs felt tired. They felt heavy and I thought that I wouldn’t make it to the target distance. I did, but it was a game of will. Usually I go for a run, and then I walk. Today I…

  • The Sunday Run

    The Sunday Run

    Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning I decided to go for a run, rather than studying or doing other things. I ran along one of my usual routes thinking that it would be quiet but it wasn’t. Groups of people walking two to three abreast, or more were blocking different roads so I deviated through…

  • Running Again

    Running Again

    Reading Time: 2 minutes At the start of this year I started running again. This wasn’t a new year’s resolution. I just decided that I wanted to start running, so I did. For five years I have been walking around in circles. Some take me above the A1 motorway and others take me below it.…

  • Getting Back Into Running

    Getting Back Into Running

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I am getting back into running at the moment. I have run several times recently, irregularly enough not to feel pain in my knees or other articulations so this is a good sign. The advantage of running, over other sports, is that it’s easy to catch a bus, car, train, parapente…

  • A Frosty Morning

    A Frosty Morning

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Despite having a frosty morning today I still decided to go for a run in the morning rather than the afternoon. I mention the frost because I noticed that one velux had the usual frost fractals but the others were clear. This is curious. I wore a thermal layer, a fleece,…