Tag: youtube

  • Leaving Netflix Soon

    Leaving Netflix Soon

    Reading Time: 3 minutes For the last week, or less, I have been choosing what to watch, not based on what’s new, or recommended, but on what is leaving Netflix soon. With netflix it is very easy to think “I don’t know what to watch” and “I don’t want to watch anything that is being…

  • The Fallacy of Please Like and Subscribe

    The Fallacy of Please Like and Subscribe

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Over the years I have subscribed to hundreds of podcasts, YouTube channels, people on Instagram TikTok and more. I then stopped subscribing, and sometimes like, but never when I’m asked to by the content creators. The short reason for not liking and subscribing now is that if I subscribe I usually…

  • Exploring the Titanic – A YouTube Video

    Exploring the Titanic – A YouTube Video

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Over a few days I have watched a few minutes at a time of a video on youtube. They used Unreal Engine 5 to model the entire ship. It’s a walking tour where you start on the grand staircase and explore the ship one deck at a time. It shows how…

  • HowNOT2 Videos – Climbing Safety

    HowNOT2 Videos – Climbing Safety

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In scuba diving and aviation safety is a discussion that takes place before and after every dive or flight. It is discussed every time divers meet up. With climbing safety is important too but the focus is different. “This is how you should belay, this is how you should climb, this…

  • YouTube suggesting Six Videos at a Time

    YouTube suggesting Six Videos at a Time

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Yesterday when looking at YouTube over lunch I noticed that they now show six videos at a time, compared to the 20-30 videos they used to show, back in the good old days. This means that you have six videos to choose from. The algorithm is cutting down our choice constantly…

  • Flying a Toy Plane 22 Miles

    Flying a Toy Plane 22 Miles

    Reading Time: 2 minutes James May is interesting. People like me know him from Top Gear and Grand Tour with Clarkson and Hammond but his side projects are interesting. Instead of farming like Clarkson, or driving cars with his daughter Clarkson plays with grown up toys. When I say toys I don’t mean adult cars,…

  • Experimenting with Pi Hosted and Portainer

    Experimenting with Pi Hosted and Portainer

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I watched a video about setting up a [Mini Nextcloud Server on a Pi 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnZoTEZ2Z0U) so I experimented with using the [Pi-Hosted](https://pi-hosted.com/) script to install docker and then portainer. Pi Hoster uses two scripts. One installs Docker and the second one installs Portainer. Portainer is a web interface to install…

  • YouTube and AI

    YouTube and AI

    Reading Time: 3 minutes According to a recent article YouTube will use AI to direct the content that people make, how it looks how it sounds and more. In so doing YouTube will be even less interesting. AI tools will also begin informing what kind of content creators make. A new AI feature in YouTube…

  • YouTube and Ad Blockers

    YouTube and Ad Blockers

    Reading Time: 4 minutes One of the pleasures we would enjoy many years ago was to browse YouTube, and eventually find something worth watching. This was possible for one key reason. There were no ads being loaded that would block us for thirty seconds or more. Today I read that YouTube test threatens to block…

  • Hiking With Cats

    Hiking With Cats

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Usually when we hear of people hiking with cats we think of them walking with the cat, or cats, on a leash. In a Pass Moi Les Jumelles (PAJU for short), we follow two guys who go for a walk with four cats. The report is funny because the cats, or…