Tag: traffic
Disengorging Rural Roads With Wider Motorways
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I was walking in Neuchatel I noticed something striking. I didn’t see a single advert in favour of expanding the motorways. I expected that the Right Wing friends of Global Warming would push for the expansion of the motorways in Switzerland. That wasn’t the case. In Switzerland, at the moment, they…
Traffic Calming and Motorway Expansion
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn 2030 the motorway between Nyon and Geneva will be expanded to three lanes because they think that this will encourage growth and promote the economy. At the same time almost every village is lowering the speed limit to thirty kilometres per hour and villages like Signy, Gingins and others are placing…
The Decision Not to Drive For Sports On a Sunday
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis weekend I could have gone to Bellevaux for the VF, Thones for the VF, Kandersteg for the VF, and gone to Charmey, Rocher de Naye and one other places for hikes and climbing. I chose to do none of these things. My reason for this is to save money on petrol,…
Avoiding Rush Hour Recycling
Reading Time: 3 minutesOn Monday, Wednesday and Friday the recycling centre is open from 1600-2000 or so, which is great if you’re working and want to go after work. The drawback to going at this time is that the one for local villages is down a narrow road where cars can barely pass each other.…
Three Lanes Are Better Than Two
Reading Time: 2 minutesThree lanes are always better than two but environmentalists are against expanding from two lanes to three lanes because they say that having three lanes will promote the use of the car. I believe that this is a flawed argument. The A1 motorway between Geneva and Lausanne is often congested because when…
Looking out of a window at traffic
Reading Time: 2 minutesI’m on the second floor of a home which looks out onto a busy road which means there’s a lot of traffic passing by but wait there’s more. Road works are taking place. Traffic must stop. Stopped traffic means hours of entertainment from the comfort of your room. So far I saw…
Embouteillage pour cause de sapin sur l’autoroute a1 en direction de Lausanne Blecherette
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI went snowboarding at it was great fun. At some moments the snow was great fun so it felt really good. I love the feeling of snowboarding at a fast rate down ski slopes and keeping up with skiers who don’t mind waiting too much. All the snow canons were active…