Tag: Nanowrimo
NaNoWriMo and Blogging
Reading Time: 3 minutesNovember is the month when a group of people try to write 1667 words per day for a month. they have write-in events, word sprints and many other gimmicks to encourage them to break the challenge into less daunting challenges. I didn’t even consider participating this year for a simple reason. This…
2018 Nanowrimo attempt
Reading Time: 2 minutesAs an introvert, I have a tendency to listen and daydream rather than talk. It is for this reason that the Nanowrimo challenge is an interesting one. It encourages me to be verbose, to use more words than I would usually use. It also forces me to find 1667 words of inspiration…
I made it to 50,000 words in 25 days. I won.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThat’s it. I’ve made it. I wrote 50,000 words in 25 days, That’s an average of 2000 words a day for 25 days. That’s a lot of writing. That’s a lot of re-writing. It was fun meeting some of these writers over the past two weeks and I look forward to…
Now at fourty five thousand words
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’m now at fourty five thousand words. I’ve written those words in just 24 days. That’s an average of 1875 per day. I have another 5000 to go and I will have reached the end of this year’s nanowrimo and that’s when the editing will start.
Fourty thousand words, ten thousand to go
Reading Time: < 1 minuteYesterday I spent the afternoon in Starbucks in Geneva but found no inspiration there. I was surrounded by NaNoWriMers from around Switzerland and a few of them were writing quite succesfully. some of us though just spent a few hours talking. That was good too. It’s only as I was driving…
Over thirty one thousand Words written in 18 days for Nanowrimo
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWith just under two weeks of writing left for Nanowrimo I have reached over 31,000 words in that space of time. That’s an average of 1750 words a day. It’s been a good experience so far and its now that I’m starting to worry about the proofreading part. It takes long…
Fribourg Nanowrimo
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI always go to social media events and meet a lot of geeks who love to use new technology such as twitter, seesmic and more. For once it’s a little different. I’m in Fribourg where I’m surrounded by writers. There are a lot of PC rather than Mac computers. The hot…
20,000 Words for Nanowrimo and still going strong
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAnd so I reach 20,000 words after 12 days, not quite as good as I had hoped but good nonetheless. The story is developing well and there will be quite a bit of re-writing to be done but I can depend on some friends to help with that.